
  • wow, wow the Democratic party is at it again.

  • that will be great.

  • If he uses the words,"When I am elected Governor, the covid farce is cancelled.", my vote is assured.

  • Grennell is right for America.  I see him as a person who lives his believes.  I hope I am on correct in that.  But I have been fooled too often in the past by people who claim to believe one thing and when they actaully get the chance to put those supposed believes in practice, they turn out to be the exact opposite.

    • I hear you Martha... Sometimes they do have the very best intentions as they put out on the campaign trail but it becomes an Entirely Different World and The Establishment and Senior Leaders Make Them Become Something Less Of What They Truly Are..! If Trump Remains The Top Man In The Reformed Republican / Patriot Party We Will See Much Stronger Republican Conservatives That WILL Have A Backbone and Stand Up To The Established Elite and The Lefts Insanity..! They WILL Keep Voting Their Concience and Fighting Tooth and Nail..!  The Party MUST Change From What It Is Now And Has Been For To Long..!   I even seen where McConnell has Switched Back To Supporting Trump Again Now and The 2 Faced Bastard Just Voted To Impeach Him..! Both Houses Of Congress Is A Damned Swamp..! McConnell Keeps Switching Back And Forth For Some Reason..? If I Was Trump I Would Destroy The Turtle Headed Little Bastard..!

    • Well said Loren!  My thoughts EXACTALLY!!!


  • Rick Grenell seems to be a good guy. A smart guy. A man with courage to do what is right, it would seem.  
    When I hear him speak, I like him and his stand. 
    The problem is, He is gay!  As Governor, when gays/lesbians make demands, would he decide for the good of the people and the state, 

    or would he decide for gays solely because he is one?  That is the big question!

    • Grenell being a Gay person does not present a problem for our conservitve party as he has proven himself to be a real conservitive and I would support him in my state of Marxifornia as our new Republican governor  

    • California needs a Republican that can fight and win for the party that stands for the American people.

  • I hope for California's and the United States, Mr Grinell does run and WINS.  He would become the BEST Governer California EVER  had!

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