
    • Has anyone reported these machines as stolen... and were these machines used in the November elections or are they older machines being salvaged?  There is a lot to know here before we can come to any definitive judgment regarding these voting machines.

    • We will soon know.


    • Nothing, I see nothing, as Sgt Schultz of Stalog 19 would say... is the response of the Democrat Party and the insurrectionist as they march to another drummer than the American Patriot. The Marxist Democrats continue to deny, deny, and deny that any evidence of election fraud exists, and the MSM falls in line with the same drumbeat and national narrative: There is no voter or election fraud. 

      The only way to deal with this sort of insurrection and sedition is to identify, arrest, and try its leaders for their criminal conduct. We must remove the head of the snake. America must also treat the MSM as part of the insurrection.  Law enforcement must identify and arrest every member of the MSM who abandoned journalism to engage in seditious propaganda. These agents of the Marxist insurgency must be indicted and convicted for their criminal conduct.

    • Sure they will!

  • When will someone pay for what has gone on for the last 20 years?  Nothing since Richard Nixon which pales by comparison.


  • Got to finger print everything on this bus, machines, the bus even the tires and engine.

  • What else is there to say that already been said. this election was stolen before our eyes and nobody is doing a damn thing about it but piss and moan. We need someone in the military to advise us when and how to take up arms and do something or live in a nation where our voices don't matter anymore. We need a leader and marching orders.

    • We have a leader... it is Pres. Trump who' needs to mobilize the people  ... Only he can call out the militia and rally the citizens to remove the criminal element holding power in our government... Revolution is standing in the street, waiting for the President's clarion call, to round up the criminals in government.  This election was an act of treason and the individuals in our government responsible for stopping it are part of the fraud. Government law enforcement and the Courts have betrayed the People, they are not the solution, they are the problem.

  • Wow, more evidence of voter fraud.  But the liberal left and their propaganda wing, the MSM?  As you would expect, nothing to see here.


    • Amen to that brother.


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