
    • Don't surrender to the Marxist thugs in DC... we must never quit.  Our task remains to keep the faith while prayerfully and peacefully resisting the evil in DC and the world... knowing that God has it all under control and that in the end, God's will shall be done.  We may not understand why or know the details of how, but God will bring the unjust and godless hordes to bow before Him and we who are His shall see victory over the evil behind the current movement in the Earth. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Ro 8:28)

      Keep the faith, weary not in well-doing, remain faithful to the end... knowing that the purposes of God shall be revealed... Until then, Trust in God where neither mouth nor corruption may consume the good works of the faithful, knowing our reward is not of this Earth but in the world to come.  Amen.

    • I wish the President would tell us what you wrote but he tells us to lay low and to stay calm. It looks like Trump himself has surrendered to the Marxist thugs in DC.

    • Preach it brother God's hand is on Donald Trump rather we love him or not because he has people who pray for him.

    • Ron, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  I pray daily that God will touch the hearts of the satanic leftists and either get them to turn around or remove them.  That goes for elected, appointed, hired, media, and hollywierd cretans!!!!!

    • God bless you! Please send us a Moses to defend and save Free America!

  • This is why the military is not doing anything. They have million dollar jobs for committing treason.

    Former Air Force Chief Joins One of the World's Largest Equity Firms
    Goldfein said he hopes to help Blackstone make strategic decisions from a big-picture standpoint.
    • The tenacles of the deep state run wonder Trump has given up now.

    • An equity firm uses private capital to fund private start-up companies or to expand existing corporations without being PUBLICALLY LISTED stock companies... they are not subject to the limitations of the Security and Exchange Commission... they are the super wealthy's, investment bankers.  These companies are the one-percenters, the Plutocracy of the world.

  • Trump has the power to fix the treason committed. He is not using it. Why? It makes no sense to say an election was stolen and then do nothing. Something is rotten in the State of Denmark. There are blatant Constitutional violations from Democrats. They have no problem violating their oath and insighting violence. The military and police should resign and fight with us, but instead they are obeying unlawful orders. We have to use nonviolent means to avoid Revolution. I pray it is not too late. Sign my petition.

    • Michael, it is getting worse. Trump has gotten really cautious now and issues tame videos these days. It almost sounds like he has his tail between his legs and he himself has given up.

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