
    • Why isn't President Trump using his Presidential powers to end the lawlessness...  the answer is America has fundamentally failed to honor its Constitution and the Creator that ordained its inception.  Mankind has failed once again to embrace the overarching power which grants liberty to the human race... God's Word... Jesus Christ. 

      America is now adrift in a sea of distress without a helm... because it has abandoned God for an ungodly crew of misfits and the unrighteous... the result is that our ship of state is on a course full of adversity and corruption, headed for the rocks and certain shipwreck.

      “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke  The Goodmen of our House (America) have failed in their duty to God and others.  We are now reaping what we have sown, the harvest from several generations of wickedness.

    • I almost signed it but then I remembered who's going to preside over the lawsuit, same judges who don't want to see evidence and same judges who release criminals and empower them to run for office

    • OK. So you are unwilling to try a peaceful means to hold elected officials accountable. It will work but it will be tough. There is no doubt about it. 

    • On the contrary, peaceful means have been tried for a long time and obviously they don't guarantee peace or freedom.  Wasting time benefits no one

    • No one has sued the government to the level I am planning. You fight from strength not weakness. Right now, we are weak and need to concetrate our power to take it back. That takes time and money. We choke off the money by not buying products from companies that support Republicans and Democrats. At least to the level that is practical. Decrease your services to the bare minimium. We need to start a new Party and supply it with funds. We need to move to states that have a high level of like minded people. Your an island on your own. We can concentrate out power in several states and counties to ensure we dominate the population. It is going to take sacrifice. 

    • you nail it

  • If a corrupt administration is about to take over. If their plans succeed we will never have another honest election.

    What are we to do about that, in a non-violent way?

    • John, for crying out loud the last election wasn't honest, never mind future elections. Everone knows that Trump would have gotten 80% of the legitimate votes if the elections had been fair. 

    • not only that the Democrats know this election is a fraud but on the other hand the Democrats are going to pay for this wait and see.

    • There comes a time in a Nation's struggles to maintain liberty... that there exist no other means to refresh the Tree of Liberty than thru the letting of blood.  Thomas Jefferson said: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”  That time may be here today as evidenced by the many usurpations and acts of oppression coming out of Washington, DC.  

      The New Administration and its agents in the Congress are threatening... to criminalize free speech, ownership of firearms, peaceful public protest, and the political ideology of their oppositions ... doing away with the free exercise of our faith and principals for sound government.  The Marxist Democrats seek to label the opposition party a criminal enterprise and to use the law to destroy any dissident behavior.  Such, despotic acts can only lead to Civil War.

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