
  • All of them are worthless

  • Falling on trick magician sword and collecting a big, fat pension. Some punishment. They should be tried and hanged. Frauds, one and all.

  • Milley falling on his sword for Austin?  They are both totally uselss people.  Both should resign - now. Also, I find it very difficult to believe that Milley told anyone he wished Trump was back; but then I am skeptical about anything he says..


  • General Milley,  You may have disliked Donald Trump but he would have listened to his military advisors.  Together with them,  President Trump would have come up with solutions which would have avoided this crisis and got out all Americans and others who wanted to leave to leave.  I am not military but the bad decisions which were made were the closure of Bagram Air Base and the removal of all troops before  all people were safely evacuated.  Another extremely bad decision was the decision was failing to wait until the winter when the Talaban do not fight.  Instead you sided with Biden--a man who is mentally failing and now Americans are asking who is running our country.

  • "Milley is considering falling on his sword for Austin and retiring post-evacuation, per Pentagon official"
    Less talk, more action.
    • And asap.

  • Biden and Harris should be immediately arrested and tried in the International Community for creating Government Policy, Over Seeing and Condoning wide spread systemic practice resulting in Crimes Against Humanity at the US Southern Border and Afghanistan!

  • I hope his retirement papers are typed and signed cuz he needs to go NOW.  He will retire in utter disgrace for his responsibility in the debacle.  Nothing but a democratic puppet.  Good riddance.

  • Traitor Austin was plced in his position by traitor Obama

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