
  • I am sorry to say Convey to DC 2022 has wrongly  been banned from facebook. However, they are still on Telegram. 

    Facebook Just BANNED American Trucker ‘Convoy to DC 2022’ Page With 139,000 Followers Without Notic…
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    • You're smart, Laurel. I quit Twitter years ago. I quit FB after I got blocked dozens of times for spreading the truth. 

    • They are all just an arm of the real American should be on any of them. Not everything has to be instantanious, snail mail still works....most of the time. Use it with Amish friends all the time!


       After being kicked off Facebook for the fifth time, I'm fed up! My final statement was about Trump pardoning the Jan 6th protestors. My statement was, "hang the rioters high, release ALL the protesters"! I was instantly  banned for 30 days! But concider this: 

    Madonna. " I would very much like to burn down the Whitehouse". 
    Johnny Depp with a slick grin on his face,, "Have you ever heard of an actor assassinating a president!! 
    Kathy Griffen, holding a fake bloody Trump head by the hair. 


    Screw them, I'm done! 




    • FB is  a horrible thing for society! We are more isolated with all the social media then ever!

    • I, uh, was on a conference-call with, uh, The Donald, Switchy-Mitchy, and, uh, Kevin "the-new-House-Speaker-because-it-is-rightfully-mine" McCarthy.  He is already acting as if he will be the new Speaker.  Anyway, I asked the RINOs Switchy and Kevin "It's-my-turn" if they would be taking the favored status away from ALL libtard social sites and will Zuckie Baby be investigated for treason. Well, Switchy said he had to take a call from his Chinese wife.  "The Chosen One" says he has a whole laundry list of things to accomplish.  He did not answer the question.  Lindsay Graham, "The Great", entered the conversation.  The Donald said, "We need to rid ourselves of the RINOs.  They are bad for the counrty and so bad for me.  Ask anyone.  They all agree.  Butcher the RINOs and feed them to the communists!  Maybe ALL that I want for our country will be passed via acts and bills, not executive orders.  Executive orders: the wrong way.  Stupid.  A waste of time.  Of little vale.  A democrat way-of-life.  Ask anyone!  They all agree!"  Will FB stand, Donald?  Not if I have to rely on RINOs like we talked about including Dr. Oz, a practicing Moslem, a Turk, and hand-picked by Switchy!  BTW, is there any truth to the statement that Switchy's wife carries Switchy's ____ for him?  Did you ever notice how his voice sometimes pops?

  • Scheduled for March 1st. And NO, I am not waiting a year!!!

    • Wait?  When a plan is agreed upon, I wait for no man........ or woman.  smile

    • Not in concrete.

  • Wait for a year so it'll be closer to the Election so it'll make a bigger impression.

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