Progressive Bubble Busted: Rittenhouse Edition


Bill Ackman Profile picture

William Albert Ackman (born May 11, 1966) is an American investor and hedge fund manager. He is the founder and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, a hedge fund management company.[4] His investment approach makes him an activist investor.

helping his community as an EMT and fireman in training, in his removing hate graffiti earlier that day from a local school, and ultimately in volunteering to protect a business during the night of August 25th in Kenosha. 
Our first hand impressions of Kyle were materially different from those we had previously formed based on media reports and opinion pieces that we had consumed. I have always been frustrated to read an inaccurate press report about a subject I know well, yet somehow I continue to 
believe other articles in the same newspaper about subjects I know less well. Media and political bias are dividing our country and destroying lives. While we have not heard the entire trial, based on our assessment of Kyle on the stand, we believe that he will be found innocent 
by the jury. Often times, communities react negatively and even violently after a jury verdict where they are surprised by the outcome based on what they have previously read in the newspaper, seen on TV or more likely been served on social media. I encourage you 
to watch the trial, or at a minimum his testimony and cross examination, before you form a view of his guilt or innocence. With respect to my own political bias, I am not a gun owner, nor a member of the NRA. On balance, I support stronger gun regulations and 
removing loopholes in the sale of guns. Unfortunately it seems that society’s view of #kyle ‘s innocence depends more on one’s views about gun control rather than on what actually took place last August. 
Kyle Rittenhouse’s life is at risk. Justice demands a fair trial. Society would benefit greatly if politics did not enter the court room and convict innocent people. 
Just got a call from the media asking if my Twitter account was hacked. That is, the reporter couldn’t conceive of the idea that I could believe that Kyle is innocent because I am not a right winger. Crazy.

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  • Just another indication that the de"mock"rat supporters and the left leaning independents are incapable of doing any research. 

  • I'm sorry Sarah, but whomever said that you were highly educated and perceptive, were most likely the same members of the Progressive Socialist Education/MEDIA/Politicians that prevented you from all forms of actual history and education. Simple observation of the video shootings action revealed the dead were "White." These same captured actions showed the complete chaos, destruction and lawlessness of the environment in which the "Shooter" had been working all day assisting in First Aid/Medical Care and Clean Up of Destroyed Businesses. The same recorded activities of him being chased, hit, surrounded and threatened with death.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • I know a lot of highly educated, very nice, responsible people who are incredibly underinformed. Not all Americans are news junkies, most aren't very political, so they don't look for the news, they listen to music, not the news channel when they get into their cars. 
      Good or bad, at least half of America has no clue what goes on on the daily bases, so it is very possible they would miss information that should be important.

      I'm fairly well informed and several weeks ago I didn't know what youngkin was, then I saw him on the news to realize he was a he not a what. We miss parts and pieces of information because we do have lives, jobs, responsibilities, and me......sometimes I just need to get away from the news so I don't go postal!


    The Dems don't care about the facts!

    They must stay on message: Misinform the public to create conflict and hurting the weak to gain strength. 

    Their areas of focus are: Sex issues (including abortion) and Race baiting.

  • Reality bites.

  • I LOVE the "highly educated" ? They are So important !!

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