
  • Being it's up to Biden, probably!

  • Biden has no conscience. He is the embodiment of not having term limits from these heartless politicians. Biden has a king persona due to being in public office for decades. Kings know what is best for their subjects.  A king determines who lives or dies and that includes mothers and babies.  Everything he does is received as right and we must accept his decisions. The old man is delusional.

  • We have a clown in the Oval Office and the world is laughing at us well not me I didn't vote for the idiot 

  • Sadly more blood on biden's hands

  • What has happened to let no many behind?  I heard the administration is even blocking rescue flights organized by veterans (as I understand it, at the request of the Taliban).  Now that is truly disgusting and disgraceful and in my opinion treasonous.

  • Biden and the Democrat Party are responsible for Afghanistan, the Southern Border Crisis, the Pandemic Crisis, the Budget, and Economic Crisis... and every evil work we are now experiencing in life.  IT ist time for the GOP to rise up... muster its base and shut down the economy... by going on strike until the current government is RECALLED with a term limits and recall amendment.

  • Many are self-evacuating... others are waiting it out looking for a road out.  Most will either self-evacuate or die trying.

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