I Call on Portland to Cancel May Day Protests, er, Riots - Victoria Taft

On the face of it, Petunia’s bakery in Portland epitomises everything progressive about the city. Its pies and pastries are wheat-free, look pretty on Instagram and, more importantly, taste delicious.

But take a moment to read the sign on the shop’s window as you enter, and it soon becomes clear that Petunia’s has been drawn into a far darker chapter of the Portland story; one that tells of a city in free fall due to an almost accidental anarchist takeover, where residents have as much to fear staying home as going out and even the most harmless of shops is liable to have its windows smashed in.

The sign is Petunia’s special take on a Portlandian phenomenon that my wife Heather has come to call a “don’t-hurt-me wall” — a now-widespread attempt by local business owners to make anarchists think twice before vandalising their shop or café.

“We are a small, women and locally owned business,” Petunia’s sign pleads. “We are struggling like so many of us in this hard time, and love our community. Please don’t cause us any damage.” Welcome to Portland; the progressive dream that has turned into a nightmare.

When Heather and I moved to the city three years ago, after being spectacularly driven from our jobs at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, there was little to suggest that municipal embrace of anarchy was on the horizon. We considered moving to more than a dozen cities across the US, Canada and Europe — but in the end Portland won. With the city’s proximity to nature and world-class food culture, it seemed to provide the perfect balance. And then suddenly last summer, with the confluence of the George Floyd protests and the Presidential election, Portland came unmoored.

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  • Defunding the police department and taking their power to enforce the law does not give you a safety Neighberhood so who is to be blamed 

  • i wonder how much these reports of looting and other violence cost portland and other cities when it comes to tourists revenue

  • What we are witnessing in the United States of America today are the products of SIN run amouk and the resultant insanity that comes when God (YHWH) punishes a nation for its rebellion against His eternal law!  For those who have not read the Holy Bible, take a look at the books of 2nd Kings and 2nd Chronicles along with the Prophets of that timeframe and you will see blatant parallels between what occured in the Kingdom of Israel in the late 700s BC and Judah in the late 500s BC.  On another point, All it takes for Evil to Prevail is for Good People to Do Nothing!

  • "almost accidental anarchist takeover" - not at all accidental in my opinion.  All these riots seem completely planned.

  • Remember: TAKE THE GUNS AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE and They can't Do A Damn Thing TO PROTECT THEMSELVES-!!! Just Ask The Jews-? (Thank GOD I Live In FLORIDA)

  • If the democrats and Rino's get their way, within two years, they will hand over America to China, by 2024 America will be no more.

  • Elections have consequences. What kind of city do you want to live in?

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