
  • Schiff should be tried and shot for what he did TO OUR COUNTRY!!!

  • I saw only a clip of this confrontation, but from what I saw Ortagus cleaned his clock.  He squirmed more than a worm picked up and held in a person's hand.  Of course - he is a worm!

  • Apparently, one (or some) of our members still watch the drivel.

  • Listen to the lies this shit head keeps promoting. He totally misrepresents his culpability in the coup against Trump.

  • VERMIN like pencilDICK schiff REALLY need to be run out of town on a RAIL, TARRED and FEATHERED, PERIOD!

  • Really?  They appear to be losing ground over here while, all the while, they are killing you over there.  They give a few ripe morsels while they take a knife and are tearing open your back. Oh wonderful.  You may be getting a ham sandwich while they rob your huge pantry of all contents.  Wow!  I am so impressed.  What are we doing???

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