
    • That "thing" is NO lady - - -it's a walking, talking, marxist propaganda pllaybook!

    • Nancy Pelosi, kamala Harris both of them are the timing bombs of Americans and they are Demonic in nature.

  • She is definitely a Demon possess person.

  • This old woman is more unfit for job than Biden is for his job.  Biden is way beyond any hope of doing his job.  These two along with Schumer, McConnell, Romney and others need to be voted out.  Congress had better fix what is wrong, or Jan 6 will look like a pee wee baseball game.  The natives are restless.  

    • We are all watching the Ukrainians, how brave they are, how they stand with their country without blinking an eye are willing to fight, put thei4 lives on the line for freedom, that if they fail in this effort will be gone perhaps forever. Theyunderstand the seriousness of their situation......and Americans being assaulted by our own government are watching, and learning what it means to be patriots. The left bette4 brace themselves, and you can bet they are scared ahi.less watching what we are ll seeing!

  • She needs to be in a nursing home and not Congress if she is mentally this far gone. Marxist Pelosi and her deranged band of extremists do not like opposition, do they?

  • Nursing  home Hell Jail cell  she is a trader  .

    • Well, yes, she is a "trader" - - of stocks that is, but I believe you meant "traitor" as in ENEMY OF THE NATION!

  • Pelosi ............. at it again ! She has to be one of the biggest Sh..... heads in Washington .If she wasn,t such a danger to the Constitution and Bill of Rights 

    Who would pay her any mind ???? 

  • Tramp traitor 

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