
  • Pelosi sniffs too much of that denture grip that she wears 

    • Mike, nutty nan is so booze and botox addled she can't form an intelligent thought, and like joe dementia, is a danger to herself and the entire nation!!!!!!!!!! nutty nan is a minion of satan, given immense power and wealth in this life in exchange for her eternal soul, which she will discover in eternity wasn't the "great deal" satan told her it would be!!!!!  Her eternal destination is suffering the torment of the Lake of Fire with her "god", satan, to whom she prays!!!!!!!!!!


  • All of the Republican should of been there and when she started her speech, all of them should of started laughing real loud at her comments. All of our people should go in there with biden maskes on,and act confused.

    • Mike, sadly most of the gop are establishment TRAITORS who are complicit in the TREASON being practiced by the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  There are a few patriotic republicans but they are too few and are prevented from having any positive effect by the establishment hack TRAITORS that control the party, like mitch mcconnell, kevin mccarthy, and the minions on their team like cheney, kinzinger, collins, murkowski, romney, cornyn, and many others!!!!!!!!!!


  • Progressive Socialist Democrats are just as well known for manipulating Whites just as easily, or have One not paid attention to the entire West Coast States and New York.City/State? There always comes a time when the Entire Kingdom realizes "The Emperor Has No Clothes!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Not at all. It is the Socialist Democrats and Communisrs who are well known for manipulating the blacks into doing their bidding. They have bragged about it in the past, though, not so much now because everyone is on to them.

  • Every time that Pelosi passes a mirror, she stops and begins a conversation with a new stranger.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • And Lynn I would like to watch Pelosi in a fun house of mirrors, I would pay money to see that.

    • That is one I didn't hear before Lynn, good one.

  • And this from a woman who accepts life in San Francisco as "Normal!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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