
    • Tough way to get a date!

    • I do not get near enough German conversational dialect.

  • Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies that have brought us to this point in time. If there is to be civil war wage it upon your enemies ... not your neighbor or fellow workers... not those who have faithfully worked all their lives to support our Constitution and its Republican form of government.

    Separate friend from foe... know your enemy, it is the progressive, pragmatist, and political hack, whose only thought is to feed their own belly and that of their kind. Those evil men and women, who would deceitfully use their neighbor to advance their own cause, whose entire existence has been one of self-promotion.. are the common enemy of the People.  The opportunist, Marxist, pragmatist, and Globalist, and professional politician have sold out America for a seat of power in the New World Order.

    Know your enemy and target them for your wrath... not your neighbor or the misguided poor and minority, used by the politically corrupt to usurp the power and consent of the common man. Instead, turn these misguided souls around, expose the lies of their masters and benefactors for what they are... traitors, broken cisterns, filled with corruption. Encourage the misguided to re-think the path they have chosen and if they will not turn from it... mark them out for the wrath of the righteous judge... who will judge the foolish with their wicked masters.

    Know your enemy and mark them well... For the seek anonymity among the people.  They speak with the twisted metaphor, promising what they have no intention of delivering.  These evil men and women seek their own ends and are prepared to reach their goals by any means necessary.  Be not deceived by their feigned service, as they are corrupt, incapable of honorable service to our nation. It is the corrupt pettifogger who seeks to fundamentally transform our heritage, too engage a new world order... whether the people consent or not.

    Thomas Jefferson warned: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”  It is the essence of man's struggle, that after suffering many fits of abuse, and patiently enduring the tyrant's whip, that they cast off the chains of oppression; too, take their rightful place as the sovereigns of their destiny. Know this:  those who oppose the right of the people, to be sovereign are the enemies of liberty. The CONSENT of the People to be governed is the cornerstone of liberty.  It is the tyrant that opposes the sovereignty of the People who must be marked for removal from government power.

    Mark well the enemy of the People's sovereignty... for they would soon bring a Nation to heal and a People to chains...

  • Be sure to know what and who you know. Some of will get turned for God only what. Let's make sure we are on the Right side of the line at the end of the day!

  • As I recall, Clinton ordered the federal bunglers to infiltrate every "militia group".

    1. stay strong Patriots!!
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