
It reads like a Cold War thriller. It even has almost the same characters, U.S. Intelligence versus the Intelligence apparatus of a large communist nation. But it’s the Chinese this time, not the Soviets, and their counterintel boys have been up late at night.

With thousands of Chinese college students studying in America the opportunities for U.S. Intelligence to recruit some of these students is great. But when they get back to China their chances for exposure and brutal punishment have been great as well.

It is just coming to light that during the Obama administration, what a surprise, up to a dozen carefully nurtured U.S. Intelligence assets were arrested by Chinese counterintelligence agents. Some were publicly murdered.

The disgraced 44th president hated U.S. Intelligence, as he saw U.S. power in any field as a threat to his authoritarian socialist and radical Islamist friends. He thus misused American Intelligence services. The Chinese took advantage of that presidential loathing of his own nation to destroy U.S. Intel assets working in their country.

Fox News reports, “It was devastating. The setback probably delayed the U.S. national security community from fully comprehending Beijing’s move toward a more oppressive and assertive policy,” said Patrick Cronin of the Hudson Institute.

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