Hot Babes for Trump - Democrats have encouraged the violence in our cities.  #Trump2020 / #AntifaSucks | Facebook

The Queens bus rider assaulted in an alleged “anti-white” crime told The Post on Sunday that one of her attackers accused her of being a fan of former President Donald Trump before the assailants bashed her on the head.

Jill LeCroix, a 57-year-old grandma of five, was left bleeding after she was blitzed by three black women July 9 while riding the city bus — an attack now being investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force.

“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’ LeCroix recalled. “I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first.

“The one with the green hair, she was saying she hates white people, the way they talk, hates white skin, the way their skin cracks. Saying she was gangsta,” said the bartender, who was headed to visit her mother at the time.

“I was the only white person on the bus. By the time we started passing St. John’s Cemetery on Woodhaven, she started in on me, saying, ‘That’s where I’m going to bury you!’

“She had a bag from Bath and Body Works, and she took out a scrub and said she was going to beat me with it. It was tangerine,” LeCroix said. “She said, ‘You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve.’ It was crazy.”

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  • Now that cartoon was hilarious.

  • Well, well, well.  Twelve percent of the poplulation is black, 70% are white.  I don't think I would start a race war if I was a black person.  Go figure.

    • You are forgetting the whacko whites who march with the Marxist BLM and Antifa crowd as well and many of those on the dole who like sponging off the taxpayers. Even during the revolution that established this nation many loyalist sided with the Brits to remain under the control of England. In fact the southern campaign during that war was basically one fought between Patriots and Loyalists. Not many so-called patriots would rise to the occassion and take up arms against the tyrants. To many I fear talk loud but will hide behind their doors, as many do today when the radicals march in their towns, if such a time ever comes.

    • Strong leaders and well organized groups... build unity and BOLSTER the courage of the weak... There is strength in numbers and boldness of purpose for those with a common enemy.  Leadership encourages the weak, promotes the strong, and builds coalitions whose strength is greater than the sum of its number. 

  • When will Whites really stand up for racial justice?

    • When will the traditional source of our leadership raise a coalition of the righteous... capable of compelling the government to reform?  When will the captains of our civil institutions and industry....the giants of justice and moral rectitude... pledge their LIVES, LIBERTY, and FORTUNES to the enterprise of government reform?  Without capable and well-resourced leadership the Patriot is left alone on the field of honor to defend the common good... It is up to leadership to sound the call to assembly... too, lift the Trumpet of liberty. 

      It takes ca[able leadership and the commitment of resources... if the Patriot cause is to muster sufficient resistance and the numbers necessary to save our Republic.  When will our nation's native leaders respond to the natural order and the people's call to rally the masses and restore Constitutional Government?  A Nation without its leaders is a ship without a helm... going nowhere in a hurry to find disaster. 

  • See

  • It's time to charge black criminals with hate crime.

  • Hate crime is not a one-way street! How many times have we seen? Black men punching White people or pushing on to subway tracks? and never heard if they were caught or charged with a hate crime.

    It’s open season on anyone, if I where a Black person today I would be more afraid of another Black person than any policeman in any city in America!!!


  • Time has come to inforce the first three words from our constitution "We the People " which means that everyone is equal no race is above the other all have the rights to go as far as they can on their own abilities without government laws 

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