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  • And CNN and NBC paid $35,000 each to antifa capitol rioter Sullivan to bail him out of jail.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?   It smells so bad!!!!   But there is an unarmed woman dead on Jan.6th and the FBI and Justice Dept. is damn silent!!!!!!

  • She knew Antifa was coming!

    • Of course she did.

  • This why the demonrats dropped their request for witnesses at the faux impeachment trial.  Lindsey Graham wanted to subpoena Pelosi and there was NO way that was going to happen.  Pelosi needs to be impeached along with Schumer, McConnell, Collins, Romney etc.  Time to get rid of all demonrats and RINOS.

  • Now we know who is at fault this is big because Nancy was the Speaker when Obama was the president it fall on her term therefore she is to blame for what happened to the Capitol and the Republicans have the right to let Nancy answer their question.

  • Pelosi doesn't have to answer anything. And she knows that. So, she won't. Did Hillary or Comey get held for any of their treasonous acts? NO.  Did anything change since then? NO. The only exception being they've become more and more emboldened. I don't know how much evidence Americans need to clearly understand that we are at WAR! Right here, Right now.  The impeachments effort have failed to impleach Trump but they show us just how little resistence the Left really has. Now wait until they suceed in disarming "we the people,"  Remember the images of the Jews entering trains on their way to "work camps?"  If we don't clone George Washington and others with his courage we will get a refresher course.  

    • Oh! Yes she does because she was the speaker of the house when Obama was the president.

    • I am sorry, but I think she is about as likely to be held "accountable" for anything as Hillary, Comey etc were.  No chance.  You have to a FIRST WORLD country for actual justice.  We have lost that status in my view. We are and have been behaving like a THIRD WORLD BANNANA REPUBLIC.  

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