
    • Look up on the internet about HAMMER and SCORECARD, and you will learn a lot about how is was done!

      FYI. Also, Pelosi's husband and Feinstein's husband have both made a LOT of money on deals with China, and both have dealings with DOMINION,!

    • The raids are in motion!

  • Trump says that he and his team have all the evidence they need to prove that the election was rigged. So, it's just a matter of time until they will submit the evidence and the courts will rule in Trump's favor, unless the deep state courts are already too compromised. 

    • And that is where the crux of the problem is...

      Judges with a leftist ideology that follow their feelings instead of the law. 

    • That's right. The judiciary like everything else in the US is compromised. Today the US is a banana republic in which you can trust elections less than even four short years ago. 

    • Right will we ever Trust again? I will not .So sad we live in the Greatest Country in the World and can not trust the Judicial system

    • We had better start by trusting in ourselves (although the real start is with God). Go from there to insist on a worthiness standard. Rascals rate no benefit of doubt.

    • Relax!  People are working furiously.  Use your time wisely: PRAY.  First trust in God.  second, trust in the constitution: Amendment 12.  Trump's revenge.  God's revenge.  Watch and pray.

    • Even though I know what you say is right, it can be tough to sit still. The facility is called discipline, a quality in me I find tested from time to time.

    • The greatest country in the world? Really? We can't trust any law enforcement, any government agency or department, the courts, elections,.... That's what you call the greatest country in the world? 

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