
    • What?  here is what he said... 

      "The country should hear Whinty Houston sing the 'Star-Spangled Banner' at the Super Bowl during the 911 years and see a real American Black Woman "  The term Super Bowl is clearly in his statement...

      Two things bother me in that statement... One is the having the NFL associated with anything patriotic is crapola... Two, Whitney Houston is hardly a role model and should NEVER be allowed to sing at such a National Event.  We have to stop paying homage and honoring DRUG ADDICTS AND DEVIANT social behavior ... we do that best by denying them a public platform.  It is the little foxes that destroy the fruit of the vine... the steady erosion of our morals and social order thru unwarranted tolerance for bad behavior... in politicians, entertainers, sports figures, movie stars, and other cultural icons.  This is what gives credence and unsolicited approval for bad behavior.

      I am old enough to remember when Elvis was denied an appearance on the Ed Sullivan show because of his 'lude' hip motions and when they finally agreed to let him appear it was with the proviso that the cameras would hold a close in tight-shot, to cut out his hip gyrations.  Using the word damn or hell would get you cut out of the program... not standing and rendering the proper hand salute or placement would have resulted in your removal and probably a beating.  We have come a long way in tolerating bad conduct and rewarding miscreants for their immoral lives and at times criminal conduct.  This needs to stop.


      Loenzo Gonzales
      Tea Party Command Center is a social network
    • ADMIN

      Again... he said "Everybody should HEAR Whitney Houston sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl." He didn't say "Everybody should watch the superbowl after they hear Whitney Houston sing the National Anthem".

      I agree that she isn't the perfect role model and I think that is a different topic for a different day.

      Whether I or you or whomever does or doesn't like Whitney Houston is their choice, but no one, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON here on this site can deny that she sang ONE of THE BEST versions of the Star Spangled Banner in the history of Superbowls. Well maybe one, and that would be you Ronald.

      Just stop arguing with everybody about every.little.thing!!!! Because in the end this little arguments do not matter one bit!

    • You and Kathleen are jumping to conclusions about what Loenzo said.  I do not watch sports anymore because of the disrespect they give the flag but I can and will agree with Loenzo's simple statement.

    • Whitney Houston died a horrible death... from drug abuse and a life of physical and emotional abuse.  No one should have to face what she went through.

    • ADMIN

      This is true.. but one can also not deny that she sang ONE OF THE BEST versions of our National Anthem during a critical time.. the beginnings of the first Gulf War!

    • Here!  Here!   I second that....Anyone who turns their back on our flag, is not worthy of being called an American...let them take up residence in China, Russia or another country.

    • ADMIN

      What are you talking about? See my above comment to Ret. Col Nelson...

  • At least  this family  of .New Zealand  , has more  respect  for our Flag then the fools  in this country   .may God bless  them , and  country  the USA  .

  • What a wonderful testimony by foreigners (New Zealanders)... honoring our flag and national anthem. Our own children spit on it. They burn our flag and turn their backs on our National Anthem... dishonoring our heritage and the sacrifice of those who died to secure their liberty. It takes a New Zealand family to lift high our flag and honor our national anthem.

    The question that now emanates throughout the land is... Does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Or has it been so thoughtlessly removed from our Nation's conscience, thru the constant bombardment of anti-American rhetoric, that our children, Government, and civil institutions demean and abuse it? Do we have a flag... a star-spangled banner that gives homage to our Nation's heroic past?

    America has stricken its colors and what was once a nation of men... whose steel once struck down the tyrants of the earth... Whose broad stripes and bright stars, stood gallantly, against the rocket's red glare... giving hope to a world in despair.  Where is that proof, that symbol of steel today? Old Glory no longer stands proudly before the world, her colors run red with the blood of patriots now long dead; her broad stripes and bright stars, no longer gallantly wave, against the dawn's early light... giving proof that our Nation is still there.

    What America needs is a 4th Verse revival of its love of country and liberty... a renewal of its commitment to God and a people governed by His moral code.

    • Our flag IS still there COL...Never give up.  Those men literally "laid down on top of the corpses of their comrades, knowingly giving up their own lives" to hold up that flag,  It was held in place by human bodies, humans who sacrificed ALL to keep it the land of the free...home of the brave.  It was THAT important and look what they left for us....A country able to help other countries and make better the world...NO MATTER WHAT, that flag still waves and it always will they showed us what NO MATTER WHAT means and I will never forget COL...Happy 4th of July Sir.  

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