
  • Who in the world voted for this guy ??  Must be the We Want Free Stuff leaches .  

  • This is bull shit non citizens can vote


  • The REAL INSURRECTION IS THE C,D.P.............L.ooks like Eric already got the "Talk" from the Totlitarion C.D.P. Insurrectionists!!!


    C.D.P.= COMMUNIST DEMOCRAT PARTY........................Call them what they are from now on. Don't let them get away with lying about WHO THEY REALLY ARE!!

    • Phil, I call them the devildemocommiecrat party, the donkey wing of the new world order socialist party!!!!!


    • I call them "Legion"!


  • I fear that he is nothing more than a lying incompetent black incapable mayor.  The blacks would be better off electing white dedicated conservatives to undo all the things that the democrats and black mayors have done.   The blacks partly caused the break in 1861, and rightly so, but they are well on their way to causing another break that will destroy any chance of improving their station in life.  


  • Just a "Back Door Way" of buying Votes.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Did NY get hoodwinked or what?  Another Liberal Communist Democrat and you voted for him. New Yorker when are you going to learn that from now on never again vote for a Democrat? They will screw you every time. Above All learn this, if you plan on moving to Florida leave your Liberal Communist Democrat politics at home or don't come down. You are running away from all the garbage so don't come and screw up our state.

    • They will screw you every time ... and twice on Sunday!

    • Liberals are living examples of Einstein's definition of insanity... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!

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