
  • It's true the government paid $0.00 tax payers pay $3.5 trillions 

  • My opinion, is that the 2021 Executive & Legislative Offices of government,, and Bidem's Puppet Masters,  (Behind  the Curtains.),  are HELL-BENT on their Communist-Socilalist drive to DESTROY OUR REPUBLIC.  I pray our nation can survive the constant THREATS, of those now in office,  and conditions of our nations  well being, can be greatly improved,  as the Voice of We The People, will be resoundedly heard, in the 2022, Mid-Term Elections, to PUT the President, and his Handlers in CHECK, that prevents further  desparation, of communist type  destruction of Our One Nation Under God.

    • Lots of luck on that one... with rigged elections, the GOP is more likely to lose seats in Congress... Marxists don't share power.  Tell me what has changed that makes one believe that the 2022 Mid-Terms will not be a repeat of the 2021 Election... The Marxists now control every branch of government. Why on God's green earth would anyone be so delusional as to think they would suddenly allow fair and open elections?  Tell me... I'd like to know.

    • I'm only 77 years old... and it doesn't take too much research and investigation as to WHY... So many Military Veterans, are falling prey to SUICIDE... after providing their courage,  quality of character,  strength, and valor, in their daily service to our One nation Under God, to preserve, protect nad defend, the Freedoms of Our Great Nation, as all of which are presently  being Thrown to the Junk Heap, of Destruction, by the Biden, and his Communist cabal...  Many of We veterans, are struggling to Hold on to that NOW THIN thread of our founders Morals, Values, and Ethics, that the Now Executive & Legislative offices,  are erasing frim our country's FOUNDATION.

    • Expectations are the creation of experience... and experience has shown us that politicians are lower than Whale feces... and we all know where Whale feces ends up.  One would need to be blind, deaf, and mute not to know that Politicians are self-aggrandizing creatures whose loyalty is to power and the accumulation of it at all costs.

  • Everything the Communists Democratic Party does is treasonous and self-serving. We don't need a $3.5 TRILLION aNyTHiNg. The RATS are STEALING that money - 3.5 TRILLION - from Taxpayers. It is time, perhaps, for Vigilante Justice, since the DOJ is clearly compromised now and the FBI and CIA are anti-American NWO agencies now. It's time for Americans to FIGHT for what is ours - EVERYTHING.

    • Amen. I'm in!

    • I agree.  No one in the Biden Administration ought to be able to show their face in Public... without jeers of F-U and Resign.  We must let them know we mean business, that their days are numbered and judgment is coming. 

  • Yes, it will cost the soul of this nation. The cost will be funding for transgender operations, killing of more babies, CRT education, canceling God and moving to a Marxist socialist society.  The economy would be tanked and many people will suffer. 

    • Eff those effing people! Traitors need to ALL be removed from office 

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