
    • Lorenzo, they aren't cowards they are TRAITORS complicit in tyranny!!!!!


    • Hard left politicians = democrat

      RINOs  = moderate democrats

      True conservatives =  Republicans

    • lopez, you are right, the gop establishment areTRAITORS and boting for them is the same as voting for devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  mike pence said a few days ago he will support establishment  candidates over Trump backed ones after having stabbed him in the back over the 2020 FRAUD ridden Soviet style "election" so that shows he is a TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!


    • Yes, Bob, Lopez and other Patriots, maybe our fight is not with dems first.  Maybe we ought to organize marches or demonstrations first at the federal, state AND local level headquarters of the Republican Party driving the point home that RINOs are not welcomed in our party.  Candidates must be located to primary against them.  And then we can clean up the congress at the elections.  But first we must expose these RINOs in the locales informing the party and the electorate of their lying and treasonous behavior.  What say all of you?

    • The problems I saw in 2012 went down to the county level, at least that is where I caught the flack for supporting Ron Paul over mitty the poo.  They didn't like me standing against the establishment machine and overrode every idea I suggested to defeat devildemocommiecrats.  They were real good about posturing but weak-kneed when it came to confronting an ileligible devildemocommiecrat candidate for president in barak obama.  The party has to be defeated down to the precinct level and most of the people I know are as disgusted with the gop as I am and don't want anything to do with such weak and corrupt people who won't stand up against the state and national machine.  I don't think the gop is salvageable any more than the devildemocommiecrats are.  I call them the elephant and donkey wings of the new world order socialist party because both want a global dictatorship and only argue over which wing will sit at the top of it!!!!!!!!!!  Sadly, I believe the only way to eradicate them is they way our founders booted England out, armed rebellion.  The only question is will the rank and file military obey their oath to the Constitution or will they follow illegal orders to massacre citizens.  The generals don't fight wars, they sit back and give orders and the true patriots are being kicked out by the communists who only want obedient drones in the military.  That is one advantage I have of being old, if the don't kill me outright I won't have long to live under tyranny but I feel for my descendents who will.


    • Exactly, Colonel.


    • No! Stolen elections are not the mark of Democracy... that is the signature element of Stalinist/Marxists election doctrine. The people casting the votes decide nothing... it is those counting the votes.

      Fraudulent elections are not examples of democracy...  The DEMOS decide nothing in our fraudulent system of elections. The DEMOS don't nominate or elect our representatives.  Political parties hold the franchise on the nomination process and tabulate the official results in the General Election.  The DEMOS decide nothing.

    • Well said, Ron!

    • Exactly, Bob.  Demonstrations or marches solely at the local level, should have been accomplished from 2009 to 2012.  Now we need a nationwide effort.  As a result, we need to have two simultaneous efforts: one in DC and second one held simultaneously at the state and county seats and perhaps at Republican offices.  I sense your 2012 feelings.  The military was ruined at the top by BO as he let many patriotic service generals go and kept the libtards.  Now, these woke generals are doing similarly down through the ranks.  They are trying to get patriotic service people to quit.  They are not doing so well in that regard.  Non-compliance on many issues is happening but with no news coming forth.  The latest move is making all service personnel to take the jab.  Many service patriots are non-compliant. A suit has been actuated.  Meanwhile, it seems only woke people are entering a service.  We are now training all service people to be politically correct, to be more aware of others' feelings, and to rule out religion.  They are not training to defend us.  Even the military supplies are given away or not replaced or repaired.   As a group, they do not have the intestinal fortitude to stand with us.  But they have one noteworthy trait: they are loud-mouthed cowards, just like dems and libtards.  I take no rest in leaving those left behind with a huge mess.

    • Lopez, you obviously did not read my entire stance/paragraph.  We would be marching into the Capitol and WH simultaneously and dismissing all dems and RINOs, installing President Trump as the election was rigged.  Worthless?  I think NOT.  I want no violence!  The expelled politicians have hurt us.  It is time to unload them.  Most of your rights are damaged or obliterated.  They lie to us continually as do the various agencies including the NIH.  Research the word "remdesivir" and see for yourself.  The power assigned to the China flu is 100% fake, a bold-faced lie.  It is being used for power, not health. One side of the equation are the denied cures.  The other side of the equation is what conditions the sickness actually causes that result in deaths.  I welcome your thoughts, but please re-read my suggestions before formulating your response.

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