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  • This is a Hitler tactic. Go do some research on HItler. The Nazi Democrats are using the HItler playbook to a "T". Everything they are doing, they are blaming Repubilcans for doing. Our political views are different then thiers. We have to be labeled as terrorists in order for them to continue thier Nazi takeover. Since they have different political views then ours, it follows that they are also terrorists. It goes both ways. we can no longer shy away from this terrorist threat. They must be confronted with thier own attacks. Go to twitter and face book and tell them that because they have differnet political views that they are now considered to be terroriosts and we will be watching them. There are over 150 million gun owners in this country and they need to be afraid of us. In oreder to acopm;ish this we must go on thier facebook pages and twitter accounts and let them know that America is keeping an eye on them. Go to you tube and watch  the 1985 TV mini series titled "Amerika". It is 10 hours long in 2 hour segments. Chris Christopherson starred in it along with other big named stars of the period. This mini series is an exact replica of what is happening now in this country. Question: Who the hell wrote that script?

    • No one is taught history anymore, just social programing.  "All EVIL needs to prosper is for good men to do nothing."  Are you willing to DO something?

    • I am ready! Again, I wish that all of you would watch the TV mini series "AmeriKa" on you tube. You must use these exact words to do your search on you tube: AmeriKa TV mini series, or you will get a bunch of BS.

    • Words will do NOTHING.  Are you ready to come together is mass. I'm talking 10,000,000+ and actually DO somethiong?

  • Peaceful!


    • Peace is ONLY maintained through POWER.  POWER is held in NUMBERS.  NUMBERS are We The People.  But we must come together in one place at one time.

  • I was at the rally the best thing I ever did. It was paceful!  

  • How about it guys?  How many Tea Party members are there?  I need 10,000,000 Mature, rational, committed, PEACEFULL, armed, patriots to meet in one place, organise, commit to useing numbers as the weapon to defeat the curruption that has taken over our nation.  WORDS won't do shit!  Little protests won't do shit!  UNITED we stand, ONE NATION UNDER GOD!


    • Then please PRAY Brother,  Prayer IS action!  USN 74-78

    • I would love to help but am old, very disabled, and too poor to travel anywhere.  prayers and words are all I am able to offer right now but would like to do more.  
      I am a veteran of Special Forces and even tempered.  My left arm is totally paralyzed and my left leg partially so.  I can walk short distances with a cane and can only stand for a short time.


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