I am grateful that Christianity has been a fundamental truth that serves as the foundation for our system of beliefs and behaviors.  If more people would perceive the intended meaning of this, they would see a country, even a world, that has been aesthetically designed and laid out for the benefit of humanity.  I have been blessed in life to be part of a two-party system that attempts to understand this a good part of the time.  Today though, young people are faced with one party that does not want Christianity to be included as their foundational catalyst to beauty in the establishment and maintenance of law anymore. This negativity toward Christianity will diminish the beauty of our system as we are witnessing today with all the chaos.  Christianity is a stabilizing structure that upholds our laws when discussions by which the correctness of moral norms might be established.

The article below has included some of the most immorality in the history of our country instigated by the democrat party.  Is it any wonder why they want God removed from their platform and our country?  The democratic party has capitalized on the fact that many Christians have a love for the poor as Christ did also.  To attract many individuals who desire to help the downtrodden to their party, they have hijacked this value of Christianity in their efforts to help the poor. This has been accomplished by expanding our safety net to offer welfare recipients too many governmental services and support maintained through our tax dollars. All these governmental programs foster dependence on government through burdensome red tape initiatives. I have tried to help someone on welfare once and was startled by the amount of paperwork.  So much so that I could not really proceed with the process. Most of these government welfare programs come with incentives built into the support to remain single while having children or freely aborting children to maintain a career.  This way the programs have put stress on families even making their way into education, entertainment, and media industries to negatively influence citizens.  Now that democratic influence dominates these industries, their power to finally try to rid the country of Christianity and the middle class with attempts to usher in the failed realities of socialism and exclude conservatives has reared its ugly head.

It is conservatism that has been the friend of the poor as one can see in the below article pointing out true historical realities.  This very fact should serve as glaring evidence that conservatism will carry forward the Judeo-Christian values which benefit humanity.  Today, this dependence on government has caused many democrats to believe a type of nirvana can be ushered in when our country rids itself of God-fearing conservative citizens.  One of their main attempts at this goal is to blame racism for all their woes since it is an Achilles Heel of our history due to the Civil War.  None of American citizenry likes the fact that we had to enter a Civil War with slavery as part of the instigation to that war.  It is the work of Satan to capitalize on one’s weaknesses to carry on his diabolical destruction of goodness.  Knowing slavery and racism is a weak blotch on our past, signals to Satan to bring it to the surface once more as a catalyst to usher in his attempts to destroy conservativism by blaming racism on them when history shows otherwise.  The democrat’s sensationalism for the poor, women, minorities, and recent immigrants portrays how they co-opt citizens with fictitious and outrageous claims.

It is popular and ideal to capitalize on any tragic event with police officers regrettably killing a black criminal because it makes for a great sensational story for the media.  It is true that ninety-four percent of all blacks murdered in this country are murdered by other blacks.  The democrats ignore these crimes because they do not highlight their cries of racism to sensationalize the story and paint America as the “bad” guy.

The citizen-government relationship of welfare recipients and government programs to aid them do not require any effort on the citizen or government to arrange their association to the common good with the virtues of self-reliance, hard work, and service to others that are major milestones toward beauty, life, liberty, happiness, and success in our country. Both the recipients and the programs are dependent on taxpayer money to pay themselves, regulate others, and/or receive the funds for necessities rather than honor the American virtues of self-reliance, hard work, and serving others that the conservative party tributes to our success today.  I wish the private sector could take over the responsibility of providing a safety net for our welfare recipients rather than relying on a party that does it as a means to dictate to citizens which justifies an result to usher in socialism. Conservatives would acknowledge a goal for life, liberty, happiness, independance, and success to justify the means to teaching citizens the skills necessary for self-reliance, hard work, and service to others to reach those goals.




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  • It is time to arrest the demo party leadership for destroying the SOTU, for subverting the rule of law, for acting against all founding principles of freedom and liberty in their continual attempt to purge the WH and WE the People of our duly elected POTUS. It is high time they were called out on moral principles to their complete and total lack of moral principles, as seen when they all called out all of their followers to attack conservatives wherever they go, in restaurants, streets, homes, etc. It is time to arrest them for instigating the dufuses in this country to commit mayhem, violence, destruction. It is way past time, actually, for both parties to be called out for being anti-God, anti-rule of law, anti-Constitution, anti-Declaration of Independence, anti-American History, anti-true education, anti-equal under the law, anti-church and freedom to worship, anti-American sovereignty and more, more, more, more.

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