
  • The Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists muist be worried because they are starting now to set the narrative!!!!!!!!!!

  • The lamestream media propaganda machine has not told US the truth, about anything involving politics, since the start of the Vietnam War, in 1961.

  • YEAR SIX OF Democrat COUP!!! Remember the hypocrite treasonous fraud LYING demoKKKrats are ALWAYS guilty of what they accuse US of!!!!!!!

  • Of cousre it's Donold Trumps fault. He made Biden look so bad that even liberals had to give Biden low ratings.

  • They never had all those voters in the first place they stole the election their were never 80 million voters 

  • In hunting Big Game, this is referred to as, "The Dying Quivers."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Biden's dismal poll numbers ARE Donald Trump's fault because Donald Trump was such an excellent POTUS.  But, Joe has to take some responsibility because he sucks.

  • Hope he crushes all of you demented creeps

  • These organizations are truly disgusting.  Under President Trump I was looking forward - now I feel like I am hanging on for dear life.  Hey stupid media - who was faux-president when the economy went to hell; what faux-president is the laughing stock of the world; what faux-president's policies keep us locked down with no good reason; what faux-president stopped out energy independence and now wants UPEC to provide more oil (at fastly inflated rates.  Hint - it wasn't Trump.  

    I can't for the life of me believe that our founders ever invisioned such dishonesty when they initiated the first amendment where the press is concerned.  You know what - If there was a way, I think everyone who cares about the USA should get together and start a class action suite against NPR, CNN, MCNBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all the rest of the fake news media.  With all the damage their lies have done, I would think about $10,000,000 per person would be approriate.  Anyone know of a lawyer who would take a case like that pro-bono?  Anyone who would want to participate in such a case?

  • Because everything woke turns to shit!

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