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Mitch McConnell has said he is open to opposing any 'unelectable' candidates in 2022, even if they are strongly backed by Donald Trump, as he wrestles with how to handle a deeply-divided party following Trump's impeachment hearing.

McConnell voted on Saturday to acquit the former president, but then publicly attacked him, accusing him of a 'disgraceful dereliction of duty' in his most critical remarks ever uttered.

His tightrope walk between defending and demonizing the former president impressed few.

McConnell's home newspaper, The Lexington Herald-Leader, accused him on Sunday of having 'contorted himself into a strange pretzel-shaped politician hated by everyone'.

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  • Will someone tell this idiot how many votes he got in his state to be elected and how many votes Trump got and how many more votes were stolen. Wake up idiot your party is dead.

  • Amy McGrath would be sitting in Mitch's seat if it weren't for Donald Trump sweeping Mitch, among many others, in to office on his coat tails. We all know DJT won the 2020 election. Trump's so called "loss" defies logic and all the evidence we have seen to date. Evidence which no court or other government institution will even begin to investigate. Mitch will be gone in his next election, if he even dares to try to run again and he knows it. He'll stuff his pockets with money and sell us out, like all the other swamp creatures, until we vote them out. 

    • he just got reelected and has 6 years to help destroy the nation he hates so much!!!!!

  • Mitch needs to go!  He is a traitor to our President Trump, constantly trying to divide the GOP and its members.  

  • One way to fix it Primary the Dinosaur out.


  • Mitch Mcconnell never understood nor does he now understand the reasons why Trump voters supported him.   He was not a slick and polished politician but a successful businessman rough around the edges but tough and honest.  Oh yes, he exaggerated but the voters knew what he meant.  For example, when he asked who would pay for the wall, his supporters cheered--Mexico!  But I knew Mexico would not write us a check for the wall, but ironically they did pay for the wall.  When they agreed to provide thousands of Mexican troops to protect our southern border.  When he made a promise, he did everything possible to keep that promise and he did!  Unlike our politicians who make promises to the voters and once elected forget it all.  The average voter--the one who had given up on the politicians who lied to them at every turn, found in Donald Trump someone like them and they gave him a chance. They were astounded at what he accomplished in 4 short years.  And yet this man, even before he took office, was hated by the Democrats and many in the Republican party.  He was a threat to them because he wasn't taking part in the slush money that comes to the politicians.  That is why he was loved!  He was one of us. We watched all he did by bringing us the lowest unemployment for all, white, women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians in our nations history.  Help for the black communities, a peace accord in the Middle East,  and the list goes on.  And during this, the hatred culminated in investigations, impeachments and the media in lock-step with the Democrats.  And the last election, I feel that it definitely was stolen.  We are reminded again and again how all the courts dismissed his law suits challenging the election results.  However, what they fail to tell you that ALL of these cases were dismissed on procedural grounds.  NO COURT--NOT ONE heard the evidence.  If only one had asked for a forensic audit and if it could be proven different, I would have accepted the results. But this has never happened.  But we must go on and perhaps in the future, the truth will come out  Until then, I and I am sure millions of Americans are looking forward to the plans for American by Donald Trump.

    • 02-19-2021

    • Doris, I agree 100%.  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

    • I think McConnel understands Pres. Trump completely... and fears him for what he planned to do in his second term... expose the criminals and jail them... guess who is among the criminals to be exposed and jailed?  That's right McConnel one of the chief architects of corruption in DC.


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