
    • Well Jeff, I have stated more than once, Government, though an untrustworthy servant, make an intolerable master.

      Government is one of the little things a citizen needs to be ever vigilant of, as a source for tyranny.

    • We can't. Trump told us and the world clearly that the US is a hallow, washed up entity. Nobody in the US can be trusted but him. Today the USA is not a world power or even a country of the free world let alone its leader.

      Trump made America great again in four short years, it made poof, and it's all gone.... 

    • it can happen in a twinkling of an eye it's not going to get better anytime soon.

    • I echo your sentiments.


    • Amen

  • Pence has other gifts coming that he deserves.

    • 😁😁😁

    • As Lin Wood says, "There is a special place in hell for him."

  • Such a sad day , Trump did deserve a second term . I will miss him so much and will still pray for him !!

    • Norma, of course, Trump deserves a second term. Just take a look at the country today and you'll see how much better off we are from the budget and debt to patriotism to trade to industrial jobs etc. 

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