
  • Great common sense. No one who needs to hear this though will bother to hear it or believe it. Fear is the new law of the day. 

  • Fauci is the most unqualified employee in government and the highest paid employee, he should be removed he doesn't know nothing just say what the left wants to hear.

  • I am with Marjorie Taylor Green 100%

  • Where the impeach biden idea.  I like both.

  • Late, but welcomed. 

  • He's very dangerous and should be stopped

  • Dr. Fascist, what a phony, Angel of Fear, keeps moving the goal posts. Keeping the public in Fear. I do not follow this 80 year old Quack. I follow this virus killer pioneer and I stay healthy.

    Dr. Fred Klenner said: “Some physicians,” Klenner wrote, “would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because, in their finite minds, it exists only as a vitamin.” 

    What did we witness during the pandemic? Doctors watching their patients dying needlessly.

    Dr. Robert Cathcart, Vitamin C Pioneer.
    The late Robert Cathcart discovered how Vitamin C kills viruses and protects against free-radical damage caused by curing all form of disease.
    • Dr Fauci is working with the CCP alongwith Bill Gates. It's all a Part of the Globalists plan to destroy America and Depopulation. In 2008 Dr Fauci wrote a paper on deaths from the Swine Flu. The report claimed that people who were thought to have died from the Swine Flu did not die from the Swine Flu but from a Bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing Masks. Fauci and Gates knew that if they could create enough panic they could get people world wide to wear masks and elimate millions of people while making Billions off of their vaccines. Dr Fauci told Doctors world wide to not autopsy those they thought might have died from COVID as it was too Dangerious. Doctors in Italy preformed autopsies on 20 people who they thought died from COVID to Discover they did not die from COVID but from a Bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing masks. The Government of Italy has filed charges of Crimes against Humanity against the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Biill Gates. Back when Obama was President he found out Dr. Fauci was working on the COVID Virus in America and told him to stop as it was too dangerious. Dr. Fauci claimed it was too important to stop so he moved his research to China where he, Bill Gates, George Soros and the WHO continued to finance the research. If you remember when Donald Trump took office Dr. Fauci claimed there woud be a major pandemic while Trump was in office. How would he know that if it wasn't planned. Along with the help of the CCP who wants to destroy the western world which they have practly done. If this Virus is so deadly then why have I not once been even slightly ill. I'm 69 with High Bllod Pressure, COPD and AFIB who not once worn a mask, sheltered in place, stopped shaking hands or stopped giving hugs. Because it's the greatest Fraud ever pulled off by the Deep State. Fauci and Gates belong in Gitmo


  • As far as our poor children and returning to school, we need a new NEA and get this perverted mess out of their precious minds!! I pray some of these teachers are not all sick and parents can work a deal to get the children educated. Lord PLEASE help us.

  • If Dr Falsie really cared about the spread of Covid on the American public, why hasn't he spoken out against the Covid threat at the border invasion by Biden and the illegal aliens.

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