
    • it is a shame.......the best thing is to teach your children, grand children the facts, the schools are brainwashing them and you must get their heads corrected to reality, not the b.s. of these left wing bums. If anybody believes that the 2020 election was fair and just is plain stupid.  Since the witnesses, documents and activities at the election boards of various states had phony counts of dead or moved people,, double counts on mail in ballots, sudden finding of ballots, processing non folded fake ballots, with no "down line" votes on local seats, processing of fake ballots after the offices were closed, ballots with the same "pen" marks.  No more mail in ballots or month long voting.  Mail in only for military overseas and handicapped/hospitalized.  ID should be mandatory for all elections.  Now NYC is allowing "ILLEGALS" TO VOTE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS.  AND YOU PEOPLE PUT UP WITH THAT CRAP????? MORE RECALLS, MORE INDICTMENTS, MORE EXPOSURE OF CORRUPT POLITICIANS.

  • Money keeps the wheels of politics running. Corruption and Blackmail are the Faults of what the Citizens allow. Even a dog won't bark if his master didn't allow it.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Corruption and blackmail is what keeps the wheels of politics rolling. They can't prosecute Cuomo because he's got so much dirt on all of them. They don't want to go there. Deep cleaning across the board is needed for our Republic to exist. 

    • OFCOURSE, the scum like the old mobster days, hold criminal activity over each other's heads.  One bastard looks the other way while the other robs the citizens, and the first one holds photos, documents or witnesses over them.  Most of them never perform any service for the AMERICAN, TAXPAYING CITIZEN, just talk crap , make speeches and rob everybody.


    • Somewhere the dominos will have to fall if we desire a change!

    • The corruption, rigged elections, power, greed has been built into our political system for decades, possibily centuries, if the dominoes don't fall soon we won't have any freedom, liberty or a country any longer. ALL masks are off their so emboldened they don't even try to cover it up anymore. We're not going to beat them at the polls, so when will MILLIONS of Americans stand up and say enough? 

  • Federal Charges could always be found and charged, but it will be highly more likely "Human Emotion" will have lost patience and a Relative of a Care Home Victim will Right the Wrong at their own sacrifice.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • another libtard whitewash to protect a satanist!!!!!!!!!!  cuomo should be executed for murdering all those people!!!!!!!!!!

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    • What replaced him is worst than he was......and we need to learn from that!

  • Anyone expecting justice to prevail on this issue is simply delusional...

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