What does Criminal Justice Reform look like?!?!?! Episode ...

After two years of rising crime in Los Angeles, residents of upscale neighborhoods are finally starting to freak out after a spate of 'flash mob' lootings at high-end retail stores have been accompanied with a disturbing increase in violent crimes committed in the suburbs, according to the LA Times.

Crews of burglars publicly smashing their way into Los Angeles’ most exclusive stores. Robbers following their victims, including a star of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and a BET host, to their residences. And this week, the fatal shooting of 81-year-old Jacqueline Avant, an admired philanthropist and wife of music legend Clarence Avant, in her Beverly Hills home.

...these incidents have sparked a national conversation and led to local concern about both the crimes themselves and where the outrage over the violence will lead.

"The fact that this has happened, her being shot and killed in her own home, after giving, sharing, and caring for 81 years has shaken the laws of the Universe," said Oprah Winfrey, expressing grief over Avant's killing via Twitter. "The world is upside down."

The Times notes that while overall crime rates within Los Angeles remain far below the notoriously violent 1990s, much of it has been concentrated in poor communities - so it receives virtually no attention. Now that crime has "crept up in wealthier enclaves and thrust its way to the center of public discourse" across the city.

Turning point?

In 2020, polls showed that California voters largely supported criminal justice reform, as well as rolling back tough sentencing laws to reduce prison populations without nary a thought to how it might affect the crime rate. Now, those concerned about crime and blame liberal policies for its rise are growing more vocal.

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  • The only reason these crimminals were released early were in my opinion was to form a antifa army to terrorise the American people into submission.

    • Obama's private army! 

  • Good the fat cats that support the socialist democrats in this state are being treated like the rest of us for a change! Now maybe we will finally see something done; if the illegals and homeless where living in their neighborhood’s the problems would never would have happen!!!


  • These thugs already have what is in their communities, they want what people who have more have! 
    This is such a communist mentality.....look what it did to the zar and his entire family! THINK about it, they murdered them all because they were born privileged! Our boys are now called white privileged males!
    They wanted what they had, it was instigated by the new leadership, the thugs, the likes of Lenin, (hmmmmm sounds familiar? ANTIFA, BLM) and as soon as the useful idiots gave them the ability to take it all from the wealthy, when they had enough of the public riled up behind them, the new leadership began tucking it away for themselves. I'd love to see the list of names at the Swiss banks, though I believe they went by numbers, I bet all the early communist leaders were squirreling their blood stained riches there.

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