
  • Left or Right,swine is swine.

  • Dizzie lizzie needs to be recalled by her home state of Wyoming, censured and expelled from the party.

  • She is a Democrat posing as a republican, along with the other usual pukes. 

  • Liz Cheny is a despicable RINO who sold her soul to the darkside waaaay back. Her father the war monger is just as EVIL!  WEED OUT THE Globalist NWO players!

  • Now she is out of her mind and she needs to step down as a Republican.

  • She is in that Bush, Cheney, we know better.  It is either our way or the highway.  She need s to be stopped now, before she run for the White House. 


  • She may lay claim to being an American Eagle, but the Truth is she's just an Ordinary Fat egg laying Chicken!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Liz Cheney is a lying bitch.  I guarantee the RINO will never win another election in Wyoming if she is stupid enough to run.  Liz Cheney is burnt toast in Wyoming.

  • She will be gone soon

  • you are  a jerk.

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