
    •   With my forwarded 'apologies' made in advance if my assumption's made of your possible history knowledge, which is pretty common today from what I've gathered of Most peoples "knowledge of history and from where it was learned" I would offer that you could be an exception to the ordinary. But I at least Wan't Rude to you. And again, I apologized ahead of time if I assumed wrongly of your background knowledge and will also remind you that Many of those "Teachers/Professors" poisoning Our children with Marxist "philosophy"today Also have Phd's in their portfolio's which obviously doesn't account for Much if Anything at all. But I Wouldn't have gone so far as to express gladly to have never met your acquaintance.

    • TV is usually on for "background noise" (NOT news channels) and childrens' channels for my two great-grandbabies when they are visiting; I spent lots of time in the library, during my school and college years and still have my set of Encyclopedia American (published prior to 1952).  Have used that set to correct a lot of the "garbage" my grandkids were being taught in school, not that many years ago.  We have a great city library system, here in Columbia and I enjoy spending time there.  I do a majority of my own internet research and are privileged to be able to converse with a number of teaching professionals; one particular friend (slightly older than you) has three  masters degrees and a PHD; extremely intelligent fellow, without an "attitude". He enjoys being "enlightening" and instructive. You do "assume" quite a lot, since you know me "not" at all and with an attitude like yours, I am delighted to "never" have made your acquaintance.


    • June, I'm 57 with a Huge background in both Military and Religious History. Of Course We've had Different path's to Our historical conclusions. Forgive me if I may be assuming incorrectly in the following statement but there is really Only One way to put it: My "version" of History is based on Years of research from film arhives of All the Military Services of Most countries involved in any and All the particular War's of their era;s but Mostly the Two World Wars and the American Revolutionary War of 1775- 1783, the American Civil War of April 1860 to April 1865 etc, Newspaper reports and articles from the time period both National and Local of Many different locations and countries, dozens and dozens of books some over 100 years old at the time which would now make them 130 years old, PBS and the History Channel going back 30 - 40 years ago before they became Garbage and Many Fantastic videos from different internet sources like YouTube, BitChute, WT Videos (World Truth Videos) and newer ones.I Stopped watching TV 5 years ago and Do't even have one hooked up anymore and Don't want that Poison anywhere near me.

       You on the other hand, and here is where I am assuming and with good cause, have gotten ALL your information from TV, whether it be "New's"(?), a TV series like say "Roots", movies like "Gone With the Wind" etc,, PBS, History Channel etc, etc, magazines like Time, National Geographic, People etc, etc and maybe even a book or two. Now, Do I need to Explain the Difference between where I studied History and where you Saw what was presented as "History?" I Don't think that is necessary and I would Hope You wouldn't either. 

    •  Skeptical, You are Right, but it seems that Most times when trying to convive someone that they were Fooled/Tricked, ya' have ta' go back in time a way's, and int the case of what I just posted, thee MOST Important example of the Trick that actually brought Everyone to where We currently are. The benefit obtained from this is that which would make Any Still sensible person say to themselves: "NO, that Can't be what happened....They Couldn't have gotten away with pulling off such a Massive deception as this. I Can't believe it and Won't even bother to look at it!!" And This IS Exactly what has been depended on for over 80 years....and of course WHY the Constant and Consistent Reinforcement EVERY DAMN YEAR IN SOME WAY AND SOME FORM!!

       Only the Most Fearless, the Bravest of Men, Oh and Women too, have to include them also while it's still acceptable, Mostly, before I would be forced to include the Alphabetized Genders in here and get Nothing know, the LGBTQRXYZ ad infinitum..... can look back and admit, as Gen. Patton realized all Too Late in Dec. 1945 (and was killed for IMO) like the Men today who went to The Nam only to realize for many..... that They Weren't supposed to COME BACK or more commonly that they Shouldn't have been there at All.

       Remember that filn with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson that I think was call "A Few Good Men" ...let me look....That was it, where Nicholson replies "You Can't handle the Truth" and that is where I have unfortunately found myself today Only because it's like seeing Something Horrible and You just Can't UNSEE It and Forget it. Life Changes after that and is NEVER to be the same again ------- EVER!!! I've had More of that/those/them then I think I've deserved. Someone ask's me "How are You?" I can only reply in All honesty: "I've been Better, haven't We ALL?"

    •  I see that I missed the Entire reply section to my comments of this week because of a sudden and unexpected death in my family which is why I only just came across the e-mails of this week now. I'll just say that All I stated in regard to WW 2 and Germany which is the Total opposite of ALL and Everything that has been shoved down the World's throat the last 80+ years is Complete and Absolute BULLSHIT by the "'Tribe"' who Own's & Control's 95% of ALL MS Media even More so today than the 1930's and 40's because there was Only radio and "New's"paper then.

       I'm Not even going to try explaining, proving or refuting anything with the obvious Brainwashed/Indoctrinated in this forum who are Worse than those who bought it 70 - 80 years ago because They at least Didn't have the means of research available at Everyone's fingertips today that is SO Easy to find with the internet and technology We now have and ALL of you should be Ashamed of Yourselves, but just ALL too comfortable believing All you hear and see on your "Talmud-visions" and "New's"papers to bother doing Any Actual Research of your own, and This is Why America is about to Disappear FOREVER!! I Don't know How Any of you could look your own children, Grand-children or Great-Grandchildren in the eye's and tell them You LOVE Them with Any Clear Conscience. JUST READ if you have Any Critical Thought Capacity left at all, assuming You Ever did:

        What defeated Germany without Any doubt was FDR's Lend-Lease Program to the Soviets which began 9 months before Germany's loss at Stalingrad. FDR only got away with being able to do this by convincing Congress of his desire to keep America out of another European War .... but FDR was actually already making Sure that America Would be Totally involved and play a Major part in it even before Germany invaded Poland in 1939. FDR, a 33rd degree Freemason was a Traitor as was Churchill not Only to both "their(?)" countries and people but to the Entire Western World in general though that would not be seen, nor proved, till 70 odd years later and only to a small portion of people who pay attention to history and WW 2 particularly.

       This FACT was only known, or became known to other-than-those-involved in the three Allied countries governments of the U.S., Britain and U.S.S.R., Only because of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1993 and the opening of Soviet Archives with the genuine documentation that proves it and is all documented in "American Betrayal" by Diana West, a book published in 2013. This to Many, many people who may be exposed to these claims for the first time will or may think this to be impossible, an outright Lie or a "Conspiracy Theory" understandably, I will assure you of One thing --- it Certainly Was a CONSPIRACY, A Crime Against Humanity in the True sense of the phrase and is a Heart-wrenching and Murderously Angering revelation for anyone today who gives a Damn about such "'Old information that doesn't mean Anything today,'' but which has EVERYTHING to do with EVERYTHING happening in Our World today and for the last 75 years at least. The fact is, if Not for Roosevelt and his Stalinist Communist infested Administration,Totally Vindicating Late Sen. Joseph McCarthy in ALL his accusations prompting the Red Scare of the 1950's Absolutely, and Winston Churchill's refusal to accept at least the two offers of Peace and German withdrawal from France by Adolph Hitler during the German Cease-fire at Dunkirk that the "Newspapers and Radio" called "The Miracle at Dunkirk" while NEVER mentioning the German offers of Peace and Total Withdrawal between late May and June of 1940 (also detailed by David Irving, Dennis Wise and other's) which was a Good Faith showing of Germany's True Intention for Europe and NOT wanting War with England Only the Communist's Out of Europe, was REJECTED by Churchill who Demanded Unconditional Surrender from Germany while about to Lose the War as both Churchill And Roosevelt knowing this would NEVER be obtained and Only Inflame Hitler so the War would continue as these Two Scum-of-the-Earth Traitors wanted as directed by the Real Bosses. the Rothschild's.

       The Outrageous and Criminal Treaty of Versailles is Exactly what motivated Germany to War in the first place as Germany was being Starved and Punished for a War They didn' even start and WW 2 was orchestrated long before even Adolph Hitler entered the Political Arena and before his promotion to Fuhrer of Germany in 1933. Ms. West also has a recorded Lecture on the book, further deception, Lies and intrigue of WW 2 like how FDR or Harry Hopkins made sure Stalin was kept up to date on the progress of the "Manhattan Project" and how "Diplomatically Protected TOP SECRET Material and Documentation was uncovered Forcefully from a Soviet Cargo Plane by Major George Racey Jordan he was kept from revealing till 1948 and other subjects connected to things concerning Sodomite Hussein Obama and the so-called "War-on-Terrorism" at that time here on YouTube here:

       And here's a little Extra that would be Real Foolish to Skip and ignore and it's less than 3o minutes but Guaranteed to be a Fascinating Mini-Documentary that will only seem to be 10 minutes long. I Promise this is worth your time: "The Artchtects of Western Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism." 

      Only True Investigators of Truth will look into this information, so that They can Never say they didn't at least look at the evidence presented. Anyone else is just FOS!!

    • You and I read the same history books and saw the same news reels, at the local theater - - those were the days "before" they started cropping and chopping film, before the lamestream media propaganda machine started lying to US and the history books had NOT been re-written.

    • You obviously have your own version of WWII history.  Can I be personal and ask how old you are; I am 83 years of age.  I am simply trying to discover if we both had access to the same version of history, or if one was "revised"?

    • Pure unadulterated bullshiite.  Millions of Jews WERE murdered by the Nazis, in fake shower rooms and bodies burned in ovens or buried in lime pits to dissolve the bodies.  Our soldiers found the camps scattered all over Poland and Germany !!!!!!!!!!

    • Say P. Henry, unless the historical review is an indicator of what the New World Order is intending for almost all of humanity, I see a more profitable examination of contemporary events in the context of: what, how, when, and where we may focus our attentions for improvement. Your thoughts?

    •  The Only Jew's that were Executed in Any of the "Concentration Camps" were Outright Communist's, partisans, those who attacked and killed German's, German Soldiers and Officers or agitated for Communism inside and outside Germany. There were NO Gas Chambers in ANY Concentration Camp that Gassed Anything but disinfected piles of clothes to eradicate Typhus, That's It.

       There was No such hing as a systematic Extermination of Jew's that resulted in the Farce of 6 Million Jew's Murdered in the German Concentration Camps Combined whether in Germany or Poland where Most were. What created the Emaciated Dead and Dying were the Massive Aerial Bombardment's of All of Germany that destroyed the roads, tunnels, bridges, rails and airports that prevented ALL Resupply of food, water, ammunition, clothese etc. Within the last 6 months to one year of the consistent and regular Bombing missions by the American Army Air Corps, mostly the 8th Army Air Corp during the day and the British Air Force at night, there was No way to transport food or medicine to Not only the Camp detainees but not even for the soldiers charged with guarding them. Typhus was Rampant throughout Europe in WW 2 sot the Dead bodies and the still living skelatal starved and emaciated prisoners were suffering from both starvation, dehydration and typhus again because there was No way to resupply the "Concentration Camps" with such Massive destruction to the roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and that's not even including All the factories, dairies, farmland etc, that were bombed flat and put permanently Out of production for good by late 1944.

       Think about the same destruction of the infrastructure in the U.S.A. and what it would have done to Our Infrastructure and ability to ship, truck,fly or use rail to distribute ANYTHING..... it was IMPOSSIBLE even if there were enough German's left to operate any of these things. Typhus and starvation was the Biggest Killer of Most of the victims of the Concentration Camps and the ones who did survive were the ones brought to them within the last 6 months before Germany's surrender. This IS the Real Truth and the numbers of so-called Jewish Holocaust Victims has decreased Many times over the years with the researh which continues to lower those numbers with each passing decade. Those numbers have even been Officially changed on a few of the commemorative plaques at these Camps themselves Including Auschwitz. ------- Six Million Jew's were NOT Exterminated in these Camps and NONE were Gassed in Rooms resembling showers and That IS a FACT!!!

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