
  • I'm sorry to say but the Democratic Party is dead today they are known as the Marxist Party and the Republicans should call them out and see if they denied it, they are following the Marxist book and it is clear on everything that they have supported and defended 

  • While all the J6 hullabaloo and democommie machinations are taking place, only WE THE PEOPLE can "MAGA"! Today's mail brought me Judicial Watch's new 2023 calendar and I want to quote from it, because it tell us "how" to do it.  The quote says: "If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY AMERICAN to be informed!"  (my emphasis added)

  • The only party that will die will be the democrat party.  They are only making the republican party look pretty good.  

    • Please note, I didnt say "stronger". 

  • All of the Demonrat moves have been set up not only destroy the Repub party but to destroy this country where they can rule instead of represent. I regret the stooges who ARE the Demonrat party voters cannot see that. Also, no I'm not a Repub nor Demonrat. I left the latter when they killed Kennedy and the former when they stuck is with "I'm not a crook" Nixon. I'm an independent conservative who considers the Demonrats are snakes and the Repubs nothing more than the party of the lesser of the two evils....but barely. McConnell and the other RINOs ahve proven nothing more than to be almost as worthless to the people.

  • Every real American patriot is Republican and MAGA. They support the party and the leader of the Republican Party, President Donald J. Trump, no matter what. Anything else would be treason to the United States of America.

  • MAGA

  • I vote for Conservatives. Unfortunately they are mostly in the Republican Party. By not supporting the GOP you help the Communists. Republicans need to clean up their party. Too many are too scared to be Republican and have no morals. All I can do is vote for the Conservative Republicans.

    • There are many being challenged in Nov. we may not be able to get rid of all of them at one election but we can make a dent by voting for their opponent. Then repeat every election. Get rid of a lot of them as soon as we can and hold their feet to the fire. If the commies can get their Dem commies to do what they want why can't we? We need to try harder. Maybe getting the TEA Party up and running again would help.


    • I think many have forgotten how powerful the 'Silent Majority' was in past elections. They are still silent but once again this November they will silently cast their ballot and shock the dems and the RINO hypocrites.

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