
    • Be abuse attorneys run this country, everything is about sueing, prosecuting, going through the courts. They made it all very profitable for them, they control everyone........or else you go through them and they drain you of all you have, they will put you away for life, guilt or innocence has little to do with it. As I said before, judges should be responsible for the crimes those they let out our bond commit, they themselves shuld be tried as accessory, suddenly they would look at the criminal a bit harder!

    • The attorneys.......

    • Exactly...

      The left will use the debilitating experience of being arrested, indicted, and jailed to keep most of us from exercising our Constitutional rights to defend ourselves... the left knows that the process will financially and socially destroy most individuals ... even when found innocent.

    • It appears it does not pay to be caught, since Soros bought-and-paid for D.A.s and mayors will not be there to afford you a "pass".

    • The judge should have censured the prosecutors and referred them for disbarment... he could have thrown them out of his courtroom and demanded the government refer the case using honest prosecutors and a proper probable cause determination before charging... the trial and expense for the defense should be paid for by the prosecution when the judge finds the case is without merit.

      The expense and notoriety of this case will serve to dampen others from exercising their right to self-defense and the prosecutors know this... they brought a frivolous case as a way to punish and discourage such acts in the future.

  • The same level of intense hatred of fellow mankind left these bricks as would leave "Free Donuts" at a Fat Farm! Find the ones responsible and remove their ability to reproduce.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Agreed!   


  • Why doesn't someone on the side of peace call a construction company to pick up these pallets of bricks instead of just pointing them out and saying, "Oh, no bad things are coming!!!" Come on, get proactive and stop being reactive when you have a blatant opportunity right in front of you!!!

    • You are right of course. I however favor loading bandoleers and magazines for a more martial approach using shotguns.

      I see you chuck bricks, I shotgun you.

      If the police disapprove, then intercede to quell the rioting.

    • The real owner would have to come forward and identify himself or herself to declare the theft. Do you think the radical communist the bought and aranged the delivery of the bricks would want authorities to know they did it? If they find out who aranged this the city could bring charges on them for supplying weapons for the rioters.

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