Moral decay in the social order... is exacerbated by PUBLIC OFFICIALS whose reckless and lawless conduct set the tone for immoral conduct. When public officials ignore their oaths of office, operate outside the law, or breach their duty to the public, lawless conduct soon finds itself in every home. Public officials who fail to prosecute and root out evil, by default conspire to permit the unlawful conduct of others. Society can not expect to reign in the common criminal when it's Public officials engage in and condone unlawful acts?

Do our public officials violate the law with impunity... If the law were applied equally very few public officials would escape prosecution. One violation of the law that applies to many in-office today follows:

"Misprision of felony"... an offense under United States federal law, codified under Title 18 U.S.C. § 4 Also see Current through Pub. L. 112-207. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.):

"Whoever, knowing the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

Source: (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G),Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Other laws that address Public Officials... for their failure to expose criminal conduct or corruption in government include: aiding and abetting a crime, malfeasance in office, and official misconduct. Each is a separate crime, depending on the level of knowledge and involvement of those who engage in them. It is difficult to believe that most members of Congress and this Administration don't have personal knowledge regarding acts of corruption and criminal conduct in government.

Congress, officials of the Administration, and Judiciary... who have personal knowledge of violations of the Constitution or law and don't act on that knowledge, may have committed a criminal act... including, misprision. Pres. Obama and others who may have engaged in unlawful conduct, together with those who observed or know such acts, may be in violation of the law... failing to appropriately act on knowledge of a criminal act... too, report it or prosecute the crime... is a crime, in and of itself.

The failure to prosecute... criminal acts in government has opened the door for Public Officials to violate the law with IMPUNITY. The result is an almost total disregard by public officials for their oaths of office and their lawful conduct while in office. Until Congress and the members of the judiciary hold PUBLIC officials accountable under the law... America will continue to see an expansion of LAWLESS conduct by its government and SOCIETY in general. A moral society must begin with the lawful conduct of those who govern... The officers of our government must be held to the HIGHEST, not lowest, Standards of Conduct.

Copy and send the above... to every member of Congress, the Administration, and US Attorney in your area and ask them to begin prosecuting these types of crimes. Let those who govern understand that the People expect them to obey and ENFORCE the laws of the land.

The ultimate test of a lawful society... comes when a People demand the LAW be applied EQUALLY: including to those responsible for administering the law. It is time for the people to demand that their public servants obey all the laws or be removed from office. Public servants must be held to the highest standard of conduct under the law... they set the tone for the moral application of the law in society.

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    • People don't have time to protest they are counting their 3x unemployment checks and stymmie checks and enjoying guaranteed income.  Only the Left has time to protest and being protected by the Communist regime which we are allowing to take down what's left of America (that not owned by China).  The Rule of Law is no more.

  • it's been like that ever since Obama became the president of the United State of America.

  • Dems/all progressives & Lefties never met a law they felt was meant for them. Laws are for their enemies. 

  • Agreed; we must hold our elected and appointed officials accountable.

    Ben Franklin understood the role of the citizen in the proper administration of a democratic republic.  He also understood the potential for "We the People" to neglect due diligence and allow for self-serving politicians to gradually take the reins of government out of the hands of the public.  

    It is my opinion that the US government has long since become an entity unto itself.   The nobility of our founders who thought that it was a privilege to serve has been replaced with an attitude that officials are entitled to rule.  "We the People" have become sheep to be fleeced.


    Alexis de Tocqueville observed that reason for America's greatness came from the pulpits of her many churches thundering with the truth of God's word: the Bible.  He also observed that "America was great because America was good, and if America ceased to be good she would cease to be great."  As a nation we apparently no longer accept the value system found in scripture or see a biblical worldview as the single best template for a functioning society.


    What has happened to our beloved nation over the generations is, in my opinion, the result of weak preachers who, instead of speaking the truth in love have gone along to get along and serious seekers of God have left our churches unfulfilled in their personal lives.  It is utter stupidity for people to say that we should leave our religion at home, out of the public arena in general and out of government in particular.  Do we really want a group of self-serving charlatans and thieves in government or do we want honest and fair minded intelligent people humbled before the Almighty and with an appropriate skill set rather than cheap popularity?  


     The answer for our national salvation is found in 2nd Chronicles 7:14: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  This is the answer, there are sins of commission and sins of omission, "We the People" need to get a grip on that because the vision of our founders for a free and self governing people is circling the drain.

    • For at least a decade, I have said and seen no other to blame, but the pastors. Lacking in depth, and lacking in understanding of the role and importance of echoing our founders wisdom, they shoulder the blame for their ignorance, cowardice and apathy. It is their moral duty to raise up a congregation in how to live, walk, talk, and take dominion on this earth in whatever land God has given them to possess. A generation not taught truths of righteous judging of government has brought about the loss of our country to perps, perverts, ignorance and finally, turning away from God, the very one who saves us. 

    • Way back in the Garden of Eden, humanity gave up spiritual intimacy with God.  The end result is that no matter how intelligent or academically refined a person may be, without an intimate spiritual connection with God, people's ability to analyze, deduce and conclude will be confined to a material and temporal frame of reference.  Jesus said that "Spiritual truths are spiritually discerned."  Without the enlightenment given by the Holy Spirit people will never fully understand, nor will they ever grow into spiritual maturity.

      Pastors and teachers of God's word can take their congregations no deeper than they themselves are.  If all the leadership is capable of doing is to expound on scripture from a purely intellectual, rules based approach, then that is as far and as deep as the congregation will go.  Such people endeavor to worship out of their minds rather than their spirit.


      It is important for Christians to know what they believe and why they believe it, but intellectual affirmation of time honored doctrines and dogma alone will not yield spiritual maturity.  

      A professional clergy that only knows rites, rituals and the lectionary may look and sound impressive in their clerical regalia but all too often such people are void of the Holy Spirit.  

      Institutionalized religion may salve the human conscience but such people are not truly the Body of Christ and their ritualized prayers do not move the mighty arm of God.  

      Only those leaders who are spiritually intimate with God and moving in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit can help others to find their place in Christ Jesus.  Only a church so led can truly be salt and light in a wicked and sin stained nation.

      There has been far too much presumption and assumption for far too long as far as the presence of the Holy Spirit.  And now, there are many clergy and their followers who no longer accept the authority of scripture for faith and practice.  Such people have fashioned God after their own image.  Theirs is a false Gospel.

      Pretending to be wise they have become fools.  Much of the church that calls itself Christian is no longer salt and light.  The state of our nation bears witness to their foolishness.

    • Now Faith Is…

      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… by faith our forefathers cleared a wilderness and conquered a continent, delivered their children from the hunger of the world, and established a new nation, where all men are at liberty to serve God by faith… Our faith is based on the certain knowledge of His eternal existence.

      We are not common men, left to trust in the flesh, and the dying embers of carnal hope.  We are not forever moved, and blown about by every evil wind, or the doctrine of tyranny.  No, we are the first fruits of Christ, sons, and daughters of God… heirs and joint-heirs with the God of Creation. Our faith is not carnal, left to abide in despair, to lack the substance of hope, and the evidence of our trust in God.  Nay, we have an eternal and abiding faith, that delivers us from despair and all alarm… only believe, have faith in God, and all things are possible.

      Blessed are they that trust in the LORD… whose hope is found in the LORD.  For they shall be like a tree planted by the River, that spreadeth out its roots, they shall not thirst; for they shall not see the heat of the day, nor shall their leaves wither in the season of drought, their leaves shall be green, and they shall yield the fruit of righteousness, whatsoever they do shall prosper.

      For God’s Word is a light unto their path and a lamp unto their feet… it leadeth them in the darkness of this world, that they should not stumble or fall captive to the snares of the wicked … For we are they who trust not in horses or chariots, to deliver us from the sword of the wicked; our armor is not weak nor insufficient to the task. Nay, we are the soldiers and children of God and it is He who is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith… He is the Lord of Hosts, and the Captain of the Armies of our Heavenly Father … it is He in whom we place our faith and confidence… in the Long Arm of the Lord who is more than able to deliver us from our enemies.

      Take no fear my brother,  fear not my sisters in Christ, for the Lord is our victory and the battle is ours… He shall grant us shelter from the flame of affliction, from the plague and the wars to come… He shall cover us with His Wings and like a mother hen, gather us all to His bosom.  No harm may overcome us.  We are that Tree, that light in the darkness as we carry the very Spirit of Life, wherever we go: In the mountains, in the valleys, over the seas white with foam.  God has blessed America, our home sweet home… God has delivered us who are His own…  We are not of this world and this world has no claim on us.

      Now, take no thought for tomorrow for the evil of the day is sufficient unto itself… God has prepared tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow will bring with it only good things for the Children of Faith.  Make no mistake, no matter how dark it becomes… we are not without hope and the Candle of our Lord… shall light our way.

      Have patients my dear brothers and sisters for the suffering of the season will pass... and with patients we perfect our souls, knowing that with time the trials of our faith shall bear great fruit.  Amen.

      Comfort one another knowing that all things work for the good of those who love God... we are not abandoned nor without hope.  Have faith in God and let patience have her perfect work in you.

      Now Faith Is…
      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… by faith our forefathers cleared a wilderness and conquered a contin…
    • Amen and amen!  Good word!  In this world we will have tribulation, but we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us!

    • Beautifully said, Paul. I did make an assumption that pastors are deep in the spirit, but that was a wrong assumption, I know of at least one locally who treats his message as a dry teaching. I never saw the pressence of Holy Spirit on him or allowed into his church. In addition, many churches do not operate in the 5-fold ministry, which is essential. Especially in this season.

    • Over the generations, Satan has masterfully robbed the church of much of their spirituality and spiritual potential.  You are are right about the five-fold ministry.  All of the ministry gifts are released through faith in the lives of those who live by the Spirit.  But, God's people need leadership who themselves have entered into that life.  

      When people have been taught from their youth that the gifts of the Spirit have passed away, they're apt to simply accept it despite ample scripture to the contrary.  Satan laughs at their gullibility and lack of due diligence, while God's people struggle on.  And, the world scoffs.

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