
Kathy Griffin is doing her part to help Democrats escalate political rhetoric to dangerous levels ahead of the November midterms, saying they’ll be “civil war” if voters elect Republicans.

On Tuesday, the anti-Trump comedian tweeted what seemed like a threat of domestic violence if Democrats don’t prevail in the midterms. “If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican,” she wrote.


Griffin’s tweet appears to part of the left’s coordinated effort to raise the political temperature to alarming levels through deliberately provocative language.

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  • The political left And their ideology have never had any consideration for people's lives or well-being. The political left is quivering in their eagerness to rend and destroy. They are confident that NOW is their time to leap! The United States of America is the greatest nation on the planet and in history. The only nation with a written constitution that guarantees natural rights. Sadly, we as a nation have been under attack for over a hundred years by those who abhorred the idea of we peons having control over our own lives. This coming November we get to choose, we can choose to be a serf controlled by a master, or we can choose to be a king and control our own destiny.

    • Roger, the biggest danger is leaving mcconnell and mccarthy in control of the gop caucuses in both houses of congress!!!!!  They are new world order globalist TRAITORS only interested in personal wealth and power!!!!!  Most of the gop are establishment hacks in cahoots with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  There are some good ones but they are a minority of the gop and kept out of important positions by the TRAITORS that control the party!!!!!!!!!!


    • I believe that the most significant danger to freedom and libery is a false perception of the state of the republic by a majority of the electorate.  Dr. Antony Sutton made it very clear in his writings that perception is politics and used the example of the Nazis persuading 98 percent of the German electorate through newspapers and radio that the communists had set the Reichstag fire, when the Nazis had conapired to do it.  With television, radio, and the Internet in the late 20th and the early 21st Centuries. a susceptible low and falsely educated electorate has been shaped over decades of time.  Where the USA should have in perpetuity a sovereign trading economy and a sovereign dollar, the socialism of John Maynard Keynes, Bretton Woods, and the WTO have subjugated an American dollar to a world reseeve currency status as the Federal Reserve and the obliteration of the gold standard has destroyed the value of American money.  The electorate, since 1950, has been shaped through statism in the public schools to perceive things that are totally false.  During thre 1990s you only heard the clarion call of Ron Paul to get rid of the Fed.  Why?  Even his son, Rand, is not taking up and carrying the torch of liberty to de-charter the Fed.  It is almost impossible unshape a shaped electorte to believe the truth when they have been made to perceive lies as truth.  In 1940, 98 percent of the German [people believed that Hitler was a savior, not a monster.  These were very intelligent people manipulated by a gang of thugs who got control of the governement.  A gang of thugs has obtained control of the federal government and scads of young people every day are being shaped into believing abd perceiving that this gang of thugs has their best interests in mind.  Federal conspiracy has caused the worst and saddest events to happen in the history of the American republic. Will it change after November 2022?  I sincerely hope so, but the coin-toss is still in the air.          

    • The foregoing comment is a predicate of why I believe that the probable violence that will erupt from the conseratives retaking the House and the Senate will be a revolutionary engagement, more than another civil war.  Where you have 52 percent of the electorate perceiving rightly the status of the republic, 42 percent perceiving falsely, and between 6 and 10 percent not giving a damn in total apathy, a focus of rightly energized power will probably lead to a revolution and a reinvesture of liberty and freedom. 

      During the Revolutionary War, in an American colonial population of approximately 1.6 million, over 450,000 colonists remained loyal to Britain.  The 1.6 million population included over 600,000 slaves.  All things considered, if Britain had not been fighting a war with France, it should have defeated the American colonials.  This is why I also believe that divine providence through the God of nature made miracles occur.    

    • YES!


  • Why vote at all if you do not the right to vote youe OWN choice?

  • I predict there will not be a shooting civil war until or unless the so called democrats, who are obviously socialist marxist hiding as democrats, come after our guns. However, that time may not be far off. Biden makes no bones about it that is his goal.

    Twice a war has started on American soil when a force came to confiscate our guns. The revolutionary war with England and the revolutionary Texas war with Mexico. Both aggressors lost. Neither case was actually about guns but they were about tyrannical governments destroying the citizens liberty. Same will be true if these so called democrats come after our guns now. Without our weapons we have no realistic means to defend ourselves again tyranny. Make no mistake that is the reason these so called democrats are going to come after the guns here in America no matter what the secondment amendment in our bill of rights says. Or even how Biden tries to convince you he is right for he is not!

    Furthermore, if and when a civil war does break out once again here in the Un-united States (make no mistake about it we are no longer united Biden has seen to that) it will not be a war of attrition like the last two it will be a guerrilla type of war with small groups singling out individual targets. Those in charge will be the first targets. We already know who they are.

    One final thought; the people in this great nation will never unite under force. The only things that will bring Americans together is freedoms and prosperity. The exact two things Biden is attempting to destroy with his transition (AKA fundamental transformation - remember that?) while he tries to lie his way around his own actions.

    • Don, you are correct!!!!! A lot of people think the Revolutionary War started because of the Boston Massacre and the Stamp Acr because they haven't been taught true history!!!!!  Those were factors but gun confiscation is what started the shooting and the British won the first skirmish, outnumbering the colonists 750 to 40 but they lost a bunch of men before they got back to Boston, WITHOUT the weapons they were sent to seize!!!!!  This old war horse is more than ready to die fighting them if they come for me!!!!!!!!!!


    • You got that right Brother 

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