
  • it is sad to see him in the Democratic convention now I know one thing I am so happy that I am not living in OHIO.

  • It sure is not you

  • Wow, talk about doing a high dive into the marxst / commie cesspool. kasich, you truly are pathetic! You sold your soul. High time someone looked into your off shore accounts. Don't tell me you know anything about being conservative, the side you have taken knows nothing about conservative, they all have the marxist / commie hive mind. Not one of them has an original thought of their own.CLOWN, you are now a commie tool!

  • This doofus is a perfect example of a  modern Benedict Arnold. He hasn't been a conservative ever since he was elected governor of Ohio. Not only that it looks like he is selling out REAL Conservatives. As they say here in Mexifornia,  Adios kasich!

  • A conservative is a person who pledges allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and who therefore supports Trump no matter what. DEEP State Kasich does neither. 

  • The guy is a jerk

  • He's going to define it for us in,Democrat Lie Speak!

  • Uhmm ....  I look forward to John Kasich trying to define what a conservative is and is not.

    Yet, given the Rules for Radicals approach used by socialist minded DEMs requires Kasich to "shade" the meaning  of   words.. 

     So what Kaisch wants accomplish on his 1-minute of fame platform allows me the right "to listen"  and exercise my right to actively NOT support. 


  • A conservative is a person who agreed with the Constitution of the United States, who understands that government is by the people, agree that this nation is "One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All ".

  • What a disgusting human being!

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