
Joe Biden came out of the basement yesterday for a small gathering in what resembled a high school debate hall. He ended his speech with all the energy of an inebriated sloth, mask hanging from his ears as if he didn’t realize it could simply be removed while he spoke.

What was most notable though wasn’t Biden barely being able to deliver remarks without falling asleep at the podium. Rather, it was that the media didn’t ask him a single question. The same national media outlets that have made a sport of snarkily yelling questions as Trump departs were silent. It’s almost as if there are two standards?


Instead, it took The Daily Caller to ask Biden what he should have been asked a week ago. Namely, does he support or condemn those currently ripping down monuments, from Catholic missionaries to General Grant?

His answer? No comment.

As calls to remove statues of former U.S. presidents and even Jesus Christ come, presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election Joe Biden has remained silent on the issue, even after his campaign was contacted about the matter.

The Daily Caller reached out to the Biden campaign and asked them if the former vice president agrees with the Democrats who want to tear down statues of George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt and some depictions of Jesus. The campaign was given over 24 hours to respond to the inquiry. They did not do so.

Biden is scared to death of this issue and it shows. Right now, he’s threading a needle of remaining in hiding while stepping out only for the occasional, little covered stump speech. The worst thing that can happen to his campaign is for him to have to take some stands on these issues of chaos.

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  • The bottom line to all of this anarchy that is being funded by the leftist democraps, u.n. china, soros is that, should these cesspool dwellers ever get any marxist in the White House, they will call off their cesspool scum blm/antifa, the media will stop reporting anything that would put a negative light on their leftist cronies. Their main stream media would start reporting how idiot quid pro quo obiden has brought America together, that we are all singing " kumbaya ", he will raise his hands to hold back the roiling seas, as the leftist media hides all the right wing unrest.

    Everything the cowardly, depraved leftwing marxist media tells you is an illusion, open your eyes, wake to hell up, the identity of America is at stake, the leftist intent is a vile, depraved, evil agenda.

    Trump 2Q2Q, Making America Americans' Again!

  • Im sure that Biden will not debate. The  DNC won't allow that to happen.  Cakewalk dont often happen either.  My guess is that Biden will be a no show somehow.  So the voters will decide.

    The key issue as I see is to maintain a fair election. But we all know that wont happen. Which ever side loses,  will be very upset and claim fraud. Then the killing will start.

  • Will there even be a debate?  How can they let Biden out of the basement for total humiliation? Will they use the virus as an excuse?  

  • The election in November will be a cakewalk for Trump. Trump is in the midst of making America great again while Biden is a nobody hiding behind a pathetic mask in his basement. 

    • Wishful thinking. I too wish it were that easy, abd a peaceful vote,  but it will be a bloody time in these states 

    • Why do you think that? What do you expect exactly?

  • Ole Joe needs to stand for the issues at hand today. 

    Will someone please lock that basement door at interview time. He's worthless and needs to take a long walk into the sunset.

  • Democrats will really be voting for whoever gets the VP nomination. Biden won't be able to remember his name in a couple of years. They will use the virus hoax to keep Bidedn from having to debate Trump.

  • Even if Biden had a thought about the issue, he would not have been able to remember. He is past the point of coherent thought and/or memories. 

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