
  • What  a worthless piece of humanity

    • Acosta needs a head butt with a baseball bat!


  • Look at the definition of VERMIN in the dictionary and you'll find acostas picture!

  • Jim Acosta belongs in the sewer as he will always be labeled a Liberal Communist Fake News person.

  • Too bad we did not hear this when Hilary lost the election!  This is a newscaster and news!!!  

  • Nut Case

  • There are Constitutional and lawful mechanisms to correct the Fraud not yet fully realized..

    1. An Article 5 Convention to pass and ratify an Amendment to recall and replace those fraudulently elected up and down the ballot.

    2. State's powers of Nulificaiton and Commandeering... to nullify and mitigate the Federal Governments overreach and effectively end the fraudulent power of the Democrat Party.

    3. Peaceful Secession by those States that refuse to accept the leadership of a fraudulent government... The Declaration of Independence is one historical example of soverign states seceding from a rouge central government.  The American Revolution was in fact a civil war (an act of secession), to break the colonial ties with the central government in England.

    All of the acts above are Constitutional or have historical precedent... they are anchored in Article 5 of the US Constitution, the 9th and 10th Amendments, to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and other historical documents and sources that support their legal and historical precedent. 

    An Article 5 Convention is Constitutional and can be used for whatever purposes the several States agree upon including a recall of a President... Nullification and Commandeering tactics are well-established principles for limiting Federal government overreach... having Supreme Court support. 

    The election audits are not a shame, they are the considered judgment of hundreds of state legislators across the nation... The Audits have in fact exposed fraud and history indeed will judge what we do with a fraudulent election and how we deal with those who have created the fraud.

  • So it is ok for them to steal an election which was a coup but not ok to try and correct. Does he really think he is a JOURNALIST ?  

  • Slow or fast it needs to be done to rid this government of a bunch of crooks and thieves.  

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