
  • The supposed Piled Higher & Deeper is so ignorant it should hurt. The constitution wasn't written to control the states OR the people. It was written to control the federal government. The states have their rights and these adhere she mention to them unlike the current federal clowns who want to destroy them. She needs to give her pedigree back because she's just another lib failure.

  • Aftr she tucks Joey in - its off to see Hunter ,keeping it in the family 

  • Enter Joe Blow's babysitter.  Her opinion plus $1 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds.

  • I wonder what her "cut" of the Bidens "pay "for access cash is . We all know the "Big Guy" gets his cut right off the top .

  • I wonder whose rights she is referring to because it certainly is not the citizens rights in those particular states and other red states. The citizens rights are being protected by the governors. For the most part against the will of the federal government run by the Bidens.

  • Sorry to say but both of them are brainless tenants in the White House and should be evicted 

  • Oh yes, the brilliant Jill Biden, maybe she thinks she can take over for her brainless husband, maybe that's why she was willing to put this old fool through all the embarrassment! 

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