It’s Time To Hate Them Right Back


It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you. For conservatives, Republicans, and pretty much anyone not sufficiently “woke” enough, the “progressive” left has made it clear they’re slapping targets on their backs. They are coming for you, if not right now, very soon. If you aren’t one of them, Democrats hate you. It’s time to hate them back.


It was not a good week for Democrats. After a rough first day for President Trump’s legal team, they beat the House Impeachment Managers like a redheaded step-child. Speaking of redheads, White House press secretary Ginger Goebbels admitted the administration’s definition of re-opening schools means half the schools in the country open one day per week for at least some students. And New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s top aide confessed to state Democrats that they’d covered up his killing more nursing home residents than most countries have seen deaths because they were afraid the truth might damage them politically.

If that weren’t enough bad news for the left, their pet project imploded too. The Lincoln Project was exposed as a grooming gang – at least one of the co-founders was a pervert offering to trade sex with young boys for career advancement to nearly two dozen victims, the youngest being 14-years-old. After stern denials from everyone who’d made a fortune from this grifting organization, reports are that they knew, that it was an open secret ignored because the money was too good to rock the boat.

Naturally, CNN and MSNBC have mostly ignored these stories because, when you hate someone intensely enough, there is nothing anyone on your side can do capable of holding a candle to people who exist wrong. Doing bad things is acceptable if it’s in pursuit of people who are worse.

Axios, a poorly written blog that posts outlines as news stories, this week posted a glimpse into the future plans of Democrats to rid the country of dissent. “How to deprogram America’s extremists” is a peek at not only what Democrats long to do, but how they view anyone who isn’t them, and it’s not pretty.

“It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol,” the piece opens. It’s important to keep in mind the left is framing this as a targeted effort toward the very few people involved in the riot, but they really mean anyone who refuses to conform to their demands.

The word “extremist,” like so many others Democrats have bastardized, means you. It doesn’t mean BLM-ANTIFA rioters who’ve spent a year killing people and destroying cities in riots in the name of “justice,” another word they’ve redefined. Any passive watching of cable news or reading of a newspaper makes clear that if you voted for Donald Trump, or even just didn’t vote for Joe Biden, you are an “extremist” in their eyes.


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  • I'm loaded and locked, ready for ANYTHING the VERMIN throw at me, BRING IT!

  • Pr 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
    Pr 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
    Pr 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
    Pr 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
  • Pr 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
    • this verse is perfect for the Democratic party.

  • Liberalism (or dems) institutionalize hate, their leadership should be in maniacal mental institutions along with the judges who let or keep them out of it ... then there will be peace

  • Absolutely hate them back, they have torn our country apart from minute 19 of Trumps inaugural - some will argue since Obama/Biden's divisive policies - All republicans that voted against Trump must be primaried and we must ensure that the challengers win...   Third-party, no way will water down the vote assuring a dem win...   Republicans must now be known as (C)(R) conservative/republican Party and nothing else -  we hope the (I) will join us....  Trump has warts and some less than desirable qualities to boot, he IS what we need to "stand up to hatred spewed by the dems at every turn", I don't believe anyone else could  I will repeat WARTS and all we need Trump   ----  Thanks for reading

    • I don't understand your allusion to "warts". PRESIDENT Trump is a New Yorker as am I. We don't pussy foot around ... we're blunt and we operate from 'nice guys finish last'.

    • Mitchell, I too born and raised on Long Island, Oyster Bay Hi School..  Trump is a businessman and done great things for our country but he is not "pure like the driven snow". "Warts and all" is an expression recognizing those minor faults and shows my un-ending support for President Trump, I'm still flying his flag in my front dooryard here in North Carolina  ----   Regards,  David

  • I will not hate anyone.  I despise the left and understand they want me dead or interred in their FEMA concentration camps.  I serve Almighty God, the Creator of the entire universe and all in it.  Hate is a tool of satan and I refuse to go there.  They can kill me but they can't send me to an eternity in Hell so I will stick with the teachings of the Holy Bible and continue to trust in Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!

  • It's time to tell American people who Biden and his socialist party are time to bring out their stupid ideals time to make them who they really are but it must start at DC with a Republican Party standing together.

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