
    • Just for the record, the rhetorical question... What are you smoking... is a metaphorical expression, not to be taken literally.  It was used to emphasize how ridiculous your comment was. If this tat is the worst you experience in open forms of debate you are doing well.  I certainly have received greater rebuke by you personally.... Get over it.

    • I don't consider the findings coming out of the SCOTUS as major demonstrations of a CONSERVATIVE COURT.... the SCOTUS is at best moderate.  As for the 300 plus judges Trump appointed they appear to be a mixed bag of disappointments also... more moderates than conservative.  De Santis is his own man and I am certain he would agree that Trump's support is appreciated but not the major reason for his success... De Santis doesn't have the staffing personnel problems Trump PERMITTED.  I wonder how long Jerusalem will remain the home of our Embassy... it too can be changed with the issue of an Executive Order...

    • Whatever...and I don't give a damn about what you consider, you just want to constantly contradict, and argue. 

    • P/S... I recall as a lieutenant being told by a senior officer that my job was to make my platoon successful… the best it could be... and that was the EXPECTED level of performance...

      When I exceeded that level I earned his respect and that of the Military with a promotion and meritorious service medals.  Trump met my expectations for tax cuts, regulatory reduction and several other areas...but he did not exceed my expectations... and failed in several important areas of concern… law and order issues,  the border and the swamp wefe dismal examples … in fact failures..

      We have had so many failures by our leaders that the appearance of a successful leader generates an euphoria and unearned  praise and idoloizing...These accolades are the fruit of unearned glory. I note that the term HERO has become so widely applied, that doing one's job suddenly makes one a hero.  Likewise, a President exceeding the performance of previously FAILED ADMINISTRATIONS is suddenly a heroic administration... not so ... It is the fruit of overblown and misplaced praise.  Doing what is expected is not the mark of exceptionalism.

      I am 75yrs old and disabled... I don't expect to see the return of a stable constitutional government in my remaining life time. Given the leaders we have today we may in fact lose our Republic… Call that what you will, but it is my opinion and I think it is supported by a careful examination of history and the facts.  I hope I am proven wrong, for my children and grandchildren's sake. However, I rarely miss the mark by much and I'd have to miss it by a long shot on this prediction to be wrong.  America has seen its glory days and is now in for a rough ride.

    • No, you want to ignore facts... material facts that jeopardized our security and put us at great risk of losing our Republic... I don't believe in blaming the Public for political mistakes made by our leaders.  The Buck stops with the President and he is responsible for his Administration's gaffs as well as its successes.  Our duty as citizens is to point out our concerns and offer assistance where we can to correct what we see as PROBLEMS... and Trump has several... mainly concentrated around personnel management and the removal of the proverbial swamp.  I see that task as his duty... he is to find a way where there seems to be none... that is what good leaders do.

    • Agreed... Where's the Beef De Santis.  Don't promise to act and then fail to follow thru... we have had enough of that kind of political chicanery. 

  • HOPE SO!!!!

  • Last time He did not have full support of the Senate and a House of Representatives that spent the majority of its time persecuting the Office of the President.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • So, what has changed... to indicate Congress would support Trump in a second term. The only reason Trump is not president today is the FAILURE OF THE CONGRESSIONAL  RINOs to acknowledge the FRAUD that took place in the election.  I ask: Have the RINOs suddenly changed their colors? Are they now wearing Red in support of Trump's MAGA policies and programs? The evidence says no... Hell no. 

      Pres. Trump had both houses of Congress for the first 2yrs of his Presidency... but could not manage to indict one major politician for corruption or get Congress to give him the personnel he needed to run the DOJ, FBI, and other key government departments and agencies. In less than a year after leaving office nearly all of his policies and programs have been reversed.  That is not a trademark of successful management. It begs the question:  What is our nation's actual problem? 

      Our nation's troubles continue to elude resolution... mainly due to the corrupt leadership in all three branches of government.  We need a President who is willing to risk his liberty, life, and fortune in the pursuit of liberty and the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.  Trump has simply demonstrated he is not up to the task. He failed on so many occasions to drain the swamp (to take on the real problem behind our nation's demise) and I see no reason to believe he has changed. 

      Our Nation needs a BULL IN THE CHINA CLOSET... capable of shaking the very foundations of our government, able to identify and remove the treason and sedition in our midst.  Pres. Trump is not that BULL... he has not demonstrated the necessary acumen needed to do drain the swamp. 

    • And I say again, there presently is no one any better... than Pres Trump willing to lead the Nation.  I further repeat, the question of leadership doesn't require an either-or response... We can work to encourage Pres. Trump to take on the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE IN GOVERNMENT... LEADERSHIP.  We must persuade Pres. Trump that the solution to EVERY problem in our government and culture hinges on draining the swamp; removing the corrupt leadership in the institutions of Government. 

      We must convince Pres. Trump that jailing the Clintons and their ilk is not a choice, it is a must... That examples must be made out of the corrupt leadership in both political parties; that, we are at war with an internal insurrection, not just a few, but a majority of the key positions in government must be lanced to drain the poison from our system of government.  If America is to return to its constitutional roots the leadership that brought us to where we are today must be removed. 

      We must replace the corrupt with the morally correct patriot politician... those who put America first. Those who will not betray the People's sacred trust to Constitutionally govern.  Install the proper leadership and America's problems will quickly vanish and a new age, a renaissance of Constitutional rule, will replace the corrupt government now in control of our future.

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