Is it time to scuttle the corrupt GOP?

The GOP IS DEAD They Might as Well Pull Republicans From the Ballots  Because as of Right Now Their Party No Longer Exists | Meme on ME.ME

As conservatives and other patriots across the country wait with bated breath, pondering the nightmare of a possible Joe Biden presidency and a Democrat-controlled Congress, there are many among these who appear to grasp the perilous nature of these potentialities, and others who apparently do not.

Over the last two months, we've heard conservative politicos strategizing as regards how they plan to "win it back" should Joe Biden ascend to the presidency, conservatives engaging in futile arguments with rabid leftists on social media and conservative radio talk-show hosts attempting to deconstruct the mechanics of our recent general election.

There may be something I'm missing, but now that it's been established that our electoral system has been thoroughly compromised, should Joe Biden ascend to the presidency and the Democrats take Congress, I fail to see how we're going to win anything back, save for via force of arms. I mean, with an electoral system that can be manipulated by socialist oligarchs in their favor, it seems a no-brainer that all future elections and any attempts to reform the system will be similarly compromised, as I indicated weeks ago in this space. The way I see it, expecting fair elections in the future is analogous to remaining in a high-stakes poker game with the knowledge that there's at least one accomplished cheater at the table.

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    • slim chance at best.

    • Ron, at this point that won't help.  the devildemocommiecrats and their complicit gop pukes ignore the Constitution and We the People.  I believe our only hope is a 2nd Revolutionary War.  You and I are not able to fight it, younger people will have to carry the load but are they willing?

    • Agreed, the only thing that will help is if the 27 Red States refuse to assemble in DC... stopping a quorum from being present while they hold a Constitutional Convention to straighten out what took place in November.  Congress may not operate without a quorum.  There is rarely a quorum on the floor of either house.  Requiring a quorum would definitely slow down any legislative process and is the only real tool the minority party has at its disposal to influence legislation where the filibuster is not permitted... and cloture requires only a  simple majority vote.

      Seceding is a God-given right under the 9th and 10th Amendments... it may be the only lawful and peaceful way to settle our differences... A negotiated dissolution of the USA... this is what happens when the people allow despots to gradually take over their government, and their voices no longer COUNT in their elections. 

    • several senators and reps from red states are deep state operatives who side with the devildemocommiecrats, including those from my home state of Oklahoma.  I am ashamed of all of them!!!!!

    • Depends who's in charge, per the intent of the constitution it's we the people.

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