
Big tech has faced repeated accusations of bias and censorship, but one platform has escaped much scrutiny: Wikipedia.

The online encyclopedia, which claims "anyone can edit", is the 13th most popular website in the world, according to Alexa's web rankings. Google gives it special placement in search results.

But critics – including Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger – tell Fox News that many Wikipedia pages have become merely left-wing advocacy essays.

"The days of Wikipedia's robust commitment to neutrality are long gone," co-founder Larry Sanger said.

"Wikipedia's ideological and religious bias is real and troubling, particularly in a resource that continues to be treated by many as an unbiased reference work," he added.

Wikipedia pages related to socialism and communism contain stark examples.

The two main pages for "Socialism" and "Communism" span a massive 28,000 words, and yet they contain no discussion of the genocides committed by socialist and communist regimes, in which tens of millions of people were murdered and starved.

"The omission of large-scale mass murder, slave labor, and man-made famines is negligent and deeply misleading," economics professor Bryan Caplan, who has studied the history of communism, told Fox News.

The pages include plenty of history, Caplan noted, and are not confined to just philosophical claims. But the history focuses on flattering claims.

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  • 'Wickedpedia' is a 'distorted dictionary' of-&-4' the communist/marxist that have burrowed their way into America and, as in '1984' have a direct line to those masses (asses) that will read and believe their lies and BS.

  • wikipedia and snopes are both controlled by Nazi war criminal george soros!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is off subject but since they (the communists) intend to hunt us down and arrest us who support Trump (conservatives) you should concider no longer using your real names on the posts we make. Choose a username. There is no reason to make things easier for them. If they have your real name it makes it easier for them to track you down. We all see how things are going with communists in control of our country now. I just changed my posts to a username and you should all concider it.

    • They already know who and where I am.  I am not going to hide, God is for me who can be against me!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wikipedia is much like the so called fact checkers on fb. They have a one track learned "truth" they spew at everything. Most of anything they give you related to our American History is totally incorrect. Incorrect years, incorrect person to give the blame or credit. Ask a Senior person what they remember if it can't be found other ways. While our memories might not be perfect. It's amazing what I remember of the JFK time. Anything Liberal, JFK did not do it. He was the last of the Conservative Democrats that got elected. They killed him because he did not conform to what we have today from the Liberals. Anyone have an older Dictionary or Encyclopedia set. That may be all we have to get closer to the truth. 

    • Vivian, you are correct.  JFK and RFK were murdered because they wouldn't sell out to the communist regressive left!!!!!!!!!!

  • I lived socialism/communism for more than 13 years and Wikipedia is clueless!  

    • Edie, not clueless, COMPLICIT!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anyone who uses Wikipedia for a information source is sadly deficient in common sense. They can be manipulated by anyone, which makes then unreliable. Just as anyone who believes snopes as a credible source...

  • I haven't used Wikipedia in years because I found the information on it was unreliable.  So this doesn't surprise me. Wikimedia is just like many other mass media  sites.  Lies and misinformation.

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