politics democrats are evil Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

House Democrats reacted furiously to President Trump’s Friday move to commute the prison sentence of political operative Roger Stone -- demanding an investigation and even legislation to stop similar commutations happening again.

“President Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of top campaign advisor Roger Stone, who could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct, is an act of staggering corruption,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a statement on Saturday.

She went on to promise that Congress would “take action” to prevent future such commutations: “Legislation is needed to ensure that no President can pardon or commute the sentence of an individual who is engaged in a cover-up campaign to shield that President from criminal prosecution.”

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  • The House of Representatives is full of insurrectionist...  demented individuals bent on removing a duly elected President who is exposing them as criminals and traitors to the Constitution.

    First, the House of Representatives doesn't have the power to pass anything into law on its own... the US Senate and the President must both approve any House Bill or Act before it becomes law.  The Marxist Democrat party doesn't have the votes to override a Presidential veto without major GOP support.  This kind of showboating is the worst sort of political theater.  The House needs to investigate the illegal use and conversion of government property by the Speaker of the House; that is something that needs to take place.  How about investigating members of the House who are engaging in insurrection and sedition on a grand scale... that is another investigation needing to take place.

    Pres. Trump should use his Constitutional powers and take law enforcement under his personal supervision... announcing by EO that under the 'Take Care' clause of the Constitution he is assuming the duties of the AG and Director of the FBI as they both have failed to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.... citing several examples of gross negligence to prosecute criminal conduct among high ranking government officials.  The Constitution charges the President to take care that the laws of the United States are FAITHFULLY executed, and they currently are not being faithfully executed by the AG, Durham, DOJ, or the FBI...  The People will love the President for dismissing all of these two-faced pretenders to law enforcement.  The President will need to appoint a few good men from outside DC... lawyers, sheriffs, and law enforcement officers, who can be trusted to pursue the deep state criminals, to lock them up and throw away the key.

    If I may suggest begin the clean up by appointing a 'Law Enforcement Taskforce' of capable, qualified men, from OUTSIDE OF DC's influence... men and women without deep ties to the political arms of either major party.  Let this taskforce complete a quick appraisal (less than 30 days) of those in government who need to be immediately indicted and removed from office. Them, without notice, mount a raid to arrest/detain and indict these individuals.for crimes against the State... this raid should take place in one 24hr period. These arrests must be done quickly and the individuals arrested moved to GITMO for violations under the patriot act and other US criminal codes.  

    Upon removing most of the current DOJ and FBI upper management... immediately, appoint replacements from outside the DC circle... on the same day.  Don't allow subordinates serving now to assert or challenge their authority to manage and direct the affairs of the DOJ or FBI... immediately arrest and detain those who attempt such mutiny... and there will be some.  Don't worry about getting those appointed immediately confirmed, as they will all be opposed by the deep state... In fact, drag your heels on forwarding a request for their confirmation while they convene grand juries (plural) and work to indict the leadership of the DEEP STATE sitting in GITMO... Use the Patriot Act and limited declaration of Martial law where needed... charging those detained with espionage, insurrection, sedition, and treason... Lock them up without bail in GITMO. 

    The Taskforce will also need to go after several, if not most of the MSM and their owners... lock them up in GITMO for espionage, inciting insurrection, accessories to domestic terrorism, etc. It will take shock and awe to drain the swamp and a committed effort going against 90% of the political class in both Parties... but it must be done if we are to retain our Constitutional Republic into the next decade.  The President will need to address the nation immediately after the raid to thoroughly explain what has happened and why... the people we love the President for doing what is necessary to restore law and order ... to hold government agents ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes.

    • In all of these actions, the rule of law must apply... the President's authority to act being Article 2, Section 3, of the US Constitution, and the various US statutes assigning him with the power to defend the nation against insurrection and sedition... against enemies of the state wherever they may be found.

      If Congress and the Courts move to stop the President... he must be prepared to declare Martial Law and to remove the seditionist and insurrectionist from their offices pending trial... He must also call on the People to rally in support of his actions by the millions... in every capitol and county seat.... demanding justice and the prosecution of those who have for so long abused their power and privilege. 

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