
  • Sad

  • It's going to get worse 

  • I think it is pass time for the people to write or call their congressional leaders.  We need to be at the Capitol and the White House holding signs, yelling, stopping traffic and just causing a lite case of mayhem. Too many Americans have fought and to allow this country to fail now.  

  • This is why we must get the GOVERNMENTS of these abandoned children to take immediate custody and responsibility for the care of these children...  We must immediately (within 72hrs of finding them) process and return these children, to the country of their origin (their embassy if nothing else).  This will not stop until we compel the nations dumping their children at our border to act responsibly... by controlling those exiting their borders and the massive migration of their indigent populations to the USA.  We must either work out a diplomatic system of return or declare war and help the citizens of these horrible countries to establish a workable government and economic system.  A government that takes care of its citizens, its children, and indigents.  

    America can assist these children from within their own country... We must not become the target of irresponsible governments, who are deliberately dumping their poor and starving populations on our Southern border.  Thus avoiding their sovereign duty to them.  We must hold the governments of these children responsible for their care.  When these Nations fail to act responsibly America must cut off all foreign aid, and directly manage the distribution of aid to their needy cajoling and convincing them to responsibly engage their economic and population problems.  America must tailor its foreign policy to assist the citizens of failed states to take custody of their own children and FUTURE.   

    The mass migration occurring on our Southern Border is all part of the 'Cloward Piven' plan to overload our Nations' social services and government institutions... Ultimately, the goal of the Marxist in these foreign nations is to collapse our economy and government institutions, using mass migration as a tool for waging asymmetrical warfare on the USA.  The border problem is the result of an undeclared asymmetrical war.

    • the biggest problem is the "cloward piven" minions in America, the devildemocommiecrats, the donkey wing of the new world order socialist party, the gop establishment, the elephant wing of the new world order socialist party, the Pravda/Goebbels propagandists, and the leftists in control of huge corporations who seek personal wealth and power by destroying America!!!!!


  • The devildemocommiecrats relish things like this.  They are minions of satan pushing America fuurther into Sodom and Gomorrah status.  God will tire of this evil and rain fire and brimstone down on America eventually.  All the evil ruling leads me to believe that the Rapture of the church is VERY IMMINENT and once we are gone Hell will truly come to America to punish those left behind!!!!!!!!!!

    • We must pray for and comfort these children... They are the innocent victims of irresponsible parents and a socialist foreign government.  However, the care provided must be tied to their immediate return and agreements by their home nations to welcome them back and to provide the essentials they need to survive and grow old.

      Those Nations unwilling or unable to provide basic care for their children... need our targeted help, to develop the means for producing the wealth needed to responsibly bring children into this world.  They need to show a sincere effort at birth control and education... especially, trades for their indigent populations. 

      We must teach them to fish not to hold out their hands expecting the world to support them. Teach a man to fish and you give him a way to feed himself and his family.  You restore his self-respect and honor.  America's aid programs need to teach the world to fish... to be able to sustain life using the local resources available.  Our aid must be dependent on a nation's sincere desire to help its own become independent and productive members of the world's social order.

  • This is the pit of depravity.  Praying for this young boy to be safe and protected from all harm.

  • Horrible and truly disgusting. The parents have to be vile people to allow or even cause this to happen to their own babies!

    Yes, Beijing Biden IS a criminal in many ways. He should be dragged out of OUR White House in chains; he's NOT President!


    • I can't imagine how parents allow this to happen... the situation at home must be so desperate that they have no other choice but to betray their children in the hope that they may find a better life in America.  Our nation's open border policy is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS... If we had a secure border and enforced our immigration laws REJECTING EVERY ILLEGAL ALIENS petition to enter there would be no rush to the border.  People don't travel the 3000 miles from Central America unless they know they can enter.... most if not all were sent away... they wouldn't come. 

      The solution to the problem is SIMPLE... don't let them in, and deport ALL those here illegally.  Those who have accumulated property and wealth in the US will simply have to forfeit that property and wealth it was gained illegally.  You don't get to keep the cash when you rob a bank and get caught, nor should you keep anything gained from illegally entering the USA.  A simple policy: immediate deportation, no amnesty, no asylum fraud, no overstay on Visas, will send a clear signal that there is nothing to gain by attempting illegal entry to the USA.  Again... the solution is simple: Don't let the illegal alien enter, no court dates, no amnesty, no overstaying refugee status, etc.  Just say NO, and enforce the law. The border problem will cure itself.

      Both Political Parties want open borders... they want low wages, poverty, and a welfare state... in order, to control who eats, works, and gets help from the government.  Both parties apparently want our children and grandchildren enslaved to a new world feudal order... too, become the indentured slaves of a new age Aristocracy and FEUDAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM.  The people of America have been BETRAYED.  They have been sold out to a new world order. 

      When the GOP had control of both Houses of Congress and Pres. Trump was in the Oval Office... the party did nothing to permanently solve the problem on our southern border.   500 miles of wall is not sufficient to defend 1933 miles of our Southern border.  Under the GOP the illegal alien population continued to grow ... albeit at a SLOWER rate... it never stopped and remained significantly high.   Under the GOP we still had serious open border problems amid claims that it was solved... only to find it was never solved.  In fact, interrrior deportations were significantly fewer than under Obama. Betrayal by the GOP leadership on our Southern Border definitely was the order of the day., no  

      See: Border apprehensions, ICE arrests and deportations under Trump | Pe...

      How border apprehensions, ICE arrests and deportations have changed under Trump
      How has immigration enforcement changed under Trump? Here’s a look at the data on border apprehensions, interior arrests and deportations.
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