
  • See truth comes out! Thank You 

  • Two traitors, then came the Biden clowns to make as much money as they could.  Traitors and thieves - this is our government!  Have you people have had enough yet????

    • Really!  I could add nothing.  i think you are totally correct, Edie!!  

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    • We are in trouble; very serious trouble.  Check out

  • Disgusting traitors!!!

    • Treason.  One is now gone.  The other?  God is in the process of exposing all evil people trying to ovrthrow this country so that we humans can know who the evil people are.

    • The "other" is desperately trying to cover his tracks by calling for Russian people to assassinate Putin.

    • I believe that totally and completely.

  • It's a shame anyone ever believed these two. 

    • We believed them because they spoke lies which made us believe they were with us.  We wanted a leader so earnestly that we believed their lies.  But when they did not follow through, we hreard their excuses.  Too many lies leads to too many excuses.  After a while, you know what you have before you.  Liars,.  Who is the Father of lies?  Add it all up.  One-world government and money.  I am sick, Cameron.

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