
  • Nail her juvenile,criminal rear end

  • What we have is a out of controll Government they are Tyeannical. We all will find out a lot, tonight in Just the News President Trump has declassified a raft of information about Russia Gate. We will see for ourselves that there was sedition gping on then and now to oust our great President out of office. 

    There are two ways that President Trump can save the country  pray he will take one of them and remain in office.

  • They only way demonrats know how to do anything is telling lies. 

  • Don't bother. I'm a jury of her peer!.............Hang her............for a hell of a lot more thant that.

    • You have a 2nd peer here who agrees with you !!!!

  • Everything was prearranged that awful day by the Democrats. Contact was made to Antifa to cause trouble for President Trump by breaking into the Capital , then Democrats could blame Trump Supporters. That Pelosi has so much hate in her that she would braak laws and the Constitution to oust our great President from office. Why wasn't there enough police officers there? Does anyone trust the Mayor of DC? Police were killed and beaten and a women in the Capital was killed.    Hope and pray that our President will find out what really happened and put them in prison for their disgusting action.       

  • Great question!  What did Pelosi know and when?  This whole nightmare on the 6th was a preplanned event orchastrated by the Socialist Democrats and the anarchists.  Even the Capitol police had to be in on it since they opened the doors and almost invited them in.  

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