
  • We all know Beijing joe cannot even string a coherent sentence together, never mind giving any orders.  We also know, from other converstions, he talks with "fraudbama" on a daily basis; I would not be at all surprised to learn it is really fraudbama who is issuing orders.  This IS his "third term" you know.  As for Senator Joe McCarthy, he got the "shaft", because he knew the truth and tried to  remove it; he got too close to too many powerful people, so they took him down the same way they are trying to take down President Donald Trump.  This time, the powers that be will NOT succeed.


    • Sorry, what I should have said was Joe McCarthy got the shaft, because he knew the truth, tried to expose it and remove the perpetrators.

    • Joe McCarthy was indeed closing in on corrupt powers with ties to nazi expats in the U.S. including none other than Prescott Bush who was partners with a nazi in ownership of a bank in NYC that was shtttered because of its ties to nazi funding.  You heard it right.  P. Bush then became a Senator (what a shocker) that was part of the locus of McCarthy's fight against federal corruption and sedition.


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    • That is correct not only the money Satan is the influence of all what had happen. 

  • The FBI will now try to keep Trump from being re-elected President now they know their future if he wins so people if you want your country back let us vote for Trump and all those who stand with him let good defeat evil 

    • I am with you because the FBI is controlled by Satan himself 

  • I doubt anything will happen to those responsible for the attack on the Presidents home. Heck, most Americans just sat on their butts all of the years the usurper sat in the Oval Office. How Obama got past the constitutional requirements to become POTUS is not difficult to understand since Biden, a total incompetent, easily sneaked in the door and with him the left wing radicals whose only design was to bring down this nation through every venue available to them.

    • Some body need to go to jail for this because it is high crime and it is against the United States constitution I believe they should start with Obama and his cronies @ Mention someone by typing their name...

    • Youur Right. The Sunni Kenyan Muslim Terrorist Stole the second term and probably the first as well


    • Marience, Obama was born in Kenya to an non-American father, a socialist himself, but his mother was actually an American citizen. 

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