
  • Soros has picked up extremely evil ways towards civilazation along the way as a young adult. He is evil to the core!

    • That is one of the guy who is running this nation along with Obama, and the rest of the Democratic party 

  • Civilization might not survive him! 

  • You could be right George we might not survive. But we ALL hope you are the first to go.


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    • Let's go further than that the war in Ukraine have to do with Obama and Joe Biden remember when back eight years a go Obama was having a relationship with Mr. Putin that is the conclusion of the relationship 

  • Nazi war criminal soros WILL NOT disarm me!!!!!  They will have to kill me!!!!!  I am old and disabled so will lose to superior numbers and firepower but they will know they have fought an old war horse!!!!!!!!!!

    • He was 13 years old Bob when the Nazis went into Hungary to deport the Jews! He was not a Nazi, nor a war criminal....he was a child! He wasn't even old enough to be a brown shirt! 

    • He was old enough to be a RAT and a SNITCH and old enough to rat out his own people for money.

      Now he’s old enough and wealthy enough to fund a Nazi resurgence in Ukraine.

      Next to Bill Gates he’s the worst excuse for a human on this planet.

    • Thomas, how much of Soros' TRUE history do you actually know? The real thing, not what he made up to look like a bad ass, but what his life actually was? From your comment I have to say you don't know anything more about him than what you heard.

      This is the problem with people, they repeat stuff they hear and try to use it as reality. They did this with Trump, made him look like a monster for people to hate, and a considerable percentage of Americans hate him with a passion because of what was said about him, not because it's true!
      I know, I KNOW Soros is recorded saying crap but the facts are different than what he is saying. I have studied his history, researched him because he is a Hungarian, a disgrace to my people, I wanted to know the TRUTH.....and I looked it both from original documents in Hungary, and the crap he said himself, and the two don't match.

      His father, being a Jew very recognizable by their name Scwartz,  saw and knew what was possibly coming to Hungary. He was an attorney and a newspaper man with a lot of connections. Hungary was at this point a very small country and living in Budapest Tivadar knew everyone in politics, and in powerful positions in government. He was friends with many Christian's  and one of his close trusted friends ended up supporting Hitler and was a member of the nazi party. Tivadar changed his name from Swartz to Soros. In Hungary you have to choose a name starting with the same letter so you do not change your position in the alphabet. Soros is a simple Hungarian word commonly used on the daily bases meaning "in line", as in at the grocery store, or to be the next in line for the throne. This covered up his Jewish heratige, no one from his name could tell he was a Jew, what before was obvious to everyone in Hungary, now was covered up. 
      Being in the business and through his ties to many in high positions, Tivadar knew what was coming, what Hitler was doing, and he wanted to protect his family. Esperanto is a man made languge developed by a Polish linguist, it was to be the common language throughout the world so people could easily understand each other, they wanted to use it as the business language of the world. It never caught on, but many people learned it to be on the cutting edge. Tivadar spoke Esperanto, and tought it to his son George, the two used to converse in Esperanto, for the fun of it, basically no one understood them, they could say anything anywhere at a time when speaking about things could raise eyebrows, and get people arrested.

      When things were getting obvious Tivadar made a deal with his best friend the Nazi supporter that he would take George to live with him, to offer him cover of being a Jew, to pretend he was George's godfather. What better cover than hiding a Jew with a Nazi! From then on George would see his father by "happenstance" run into each other at the park or the bath house, where they could hang together for a time and speak Esperanto, so they could discuss anything in public, catch-up. Hungary was on the side of Hitler in the war for several reasons, including a promise by Hitler giving back territories taken from Hungary by the Treaty of Trianon, they also we're in the unfortunate position to either joining Germany, or the Soviets. Hungary had a long history with the Germans, at this time in history about half the country had Germanic blood, most people were fluent in German, and because of their geography they had to pick a side as everyone would be using Hungary as a crossover between the eastern and western fronts.

       Hungary did not give up her Jews, easily,  by this time in the war the Jews were marked and documented, everyone knew who they were and where they lived, unless somehow a few disappeared and found a way to get out of Europe, otherwise they were known and easy to find.  When the Germans took over Hungary in 1944 March to I force the deportation of the Jews, George 13 yrs old, was living with his "godfather" the nazi, who served the Jews of Budapest with their deportation notices, and he did take George with him to do this. This was Soros' involvement in deporting the Jews!  The deportation was comple by July of 1944. 
      He was not a war criminal, he was a child, he had no access to informa about Jews trying to get out, he lived with a Nazi and was not trusted by the Jews!  
      George left Hungary in 1947 for Switzerland, to "attend an Esperanto convention". His father through connections was able to get the paperwork necessary for him to leave. From there he went to LONDON to live with his uncle.  After some time George was free to go back to Hungary, he was not restricted, or hunted as a war criminal anywhere,  he made the trips frequently, and not until later was he looked at as a villain, but not for war crimes, rather for trying to take down the bank of Hungary, as he did successfully in England (where he made his billions), tried it in France, and in Tiland also. 

      I personally think Soros is more dangerous than Gates, or at least they are both on the same level on the evil scale! The truth matters and we shouldn't spread lies just because it suits our agenda......or we are no different from the left! 


    • I was not aware of the Malaysian crisis, I spent a lot of time there, Singapore and Thailand in the early 90s. I knew he could not travel to Thailand because of the currency manipulation. He is a lowlife, a manipulat snake, he has no shame and is hell bent on ruining the entire world. Even when he dies i5 isn't over, he has enough kids to continue on in daddy's footsteps.

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