
  • I would doubt anything Milley says; but I feel the same way about Pelosi!!! I would suspect the truth was twice as bad as either of them indicates with their lies.

  • I am unsure about Gen. Milley, but Dizzy Pelizzy is Indeed a Traiotor !!!!  So, given this to be so,  Gen. Milley has my  vote, at least for the moment !!!  He should have the courageous initialive to carry the day over Dizzy Pelizzy !!!  Unles she and the Fraudulent, Criminal Regime kills him !!!!!

    Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Grave and Dire Danger "From Within" and From China !!!!!

  • Just like rats let them feed on each other. Then let's hang the survivors.


    • Hey, that sounds like a really good idea

  • All Pelosi needs to do is leak from an undisclosed Pentagon source of course, that Milley has dirt on the Clintons.... and... Well every one knows what the next breaking story will be!

  • Good  let these commierats turn on each other  .

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